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My Top 10 Most Wanted Games of 2011

Hi again:)

So, with 2010 coming to an end it is time for my last blog of the year:o and for this blog I am not going to post my favorite games of the year like in 2009. This time i will do a list of my Top 10 most anticipated games of 2011, i am not sure if all of these will come to North America next year, but i am hoping so.

Anyway here it is:

#10. The Last Story (WII)

The Last Story Boxshot

#9. Pokemon Black Version (DS)

Pokemon Black Version Boxshot

#8. Dead Space 2 (X360)

Dead Space 2 Boxshot

#7. Paper Mario 3D (3DS)

Paper Mario 3DS

#6. Mario Kart 3D (3DS)

Mario Kart 3DS

#5. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (WII)

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

#4. Resident Evil Revelations (3DS)

Resident Evil Revelations

#3. Mass Effect 3 (X360)

Mass Effect 3 Boxshot

#2. Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)

Kid Icarus Uprising

#1. Mario Sports Mix (WII)

Mario Sports Mix

NOTE: Most of these boxarts and some titles are not official, but that's all I could find for those games:P

And i would have written more about why i want them, but most of them are sequels to games i have liked before. Except The Last Story, which i believe only has a Japan release date so far, but it looks very promising. And Mario Sports Mix, i know many will disagree with me there but i'm a big fan of Mario and sports games and this one looks fantastic with 4 sports, online and alot more...

Also, as you can see I included many 3DS games (since it's one of the best things i am looking forward to in 2011). And there are others that i could not put in this list, but i also want them.

Finally, for my future blogs I will post more lists of my favorite games of all time until 2010. I will start with my Top 15 NES games, and so on covering every Nintendo and Microsoft platform, and i'll finish with my Top 200 games of all time:D

And that's all for today. Again happy new year to everyone:D

like always thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment.