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Updating My Profile! + Favorite SNES Games?

Hey everyone:D

I finally have some time to write a blog, and got quite a few things to say...

First, as you may have already noticed I had nothing to do today:P so I decided to add my old videogames to my GameSpot collection, I have updated it with all my N64, GC, GBC and GBA games, or at least the ones I still have... my collection now has 173 games, a much better number than the one it said before and it would probably double if I added my iPhone/iPad games:o

Anyway, another thing I will be doing soon is update my friends list. There are almost 400 people tracking me so I think it is time for me to track everyone I have at least seen once. I'm also doing this because I will make my blogs visible for friends only, so if anyone actually wants to read my blogs feel free to track me:P

That's pretty much all I wanted to say about my GS profile, I am also working on a new banner because the current one is very old...

Favorite SNES Games?

As for the other part of this blog, it is about my Top 10 SNES games which i finished making today, I am ready to post it in my next blog (which will be up some time next week) but before, I have something new for this list...

I know I usually make prediction games, but that's kinda getting old and not many people entered last time so I thought of a different thing. Instead of posting predictions of what you think will be on my list, I ask you all what are your favorite SNES games ever? You can post as many as you want, ranked or not. And after I post my list I will make another list combining what everyone said were their favorites and compare both lists. Yeah it may be a stupid idea but I can always try. So, what are everyone's top SNES games? :D

And that's all for now, thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment