ummm i think thats port valdez thats the one where i will work on my sniper skillz on parachuters
bamabear2010's forum posts
I have done it. I know most of you guys have done it and we all hate it when its done to us:) But my favorite map to base rape on is arica harbor you know where that ridge is and if youre on defense get behind it then work youre way down. then take out all of there tanks and watch them squirm and curse. so i would like to know what youre favorite map is to base rape?
oops forgot about this thread sorry:) but like with the hit markers i can get the automatic shotgun (saika i think its called) i will be right behind a guy and do 3 shots pointblank range at the head. it says i hit him but he doesnt die so then i have to get into a huge firefight and maybe win/lose. but yes even though there is lag there are some servers that are really nice when it comes to that. i also know rush is made for lots of people but i just got done playing one with 10 on both sides and that was epic.
has anyone had this happend to themselves? youre shooting at a guy then no hit markers but all of a sudden he is right there in front of you and knifes its starting to turn into mw2 out there:(
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