Well hey guys, I am here to do my daily update on all things gaming...
Collection Update:
I finally got my games that I ordered from Goozex today, I got both of them for free. If you would like to know how to also get some games for free then just drop me a comment or message me.
Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 (Xbox)
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Xbox)
I got both of these games for free and they were both in great condition, WOW, I love all-things free :).
I also went by GameStop, armed with coupons in hand and my Edge card, I was ready to buy me some games, which in the end, was kind of a let-down. The GameStop by my house is running out of games, I have most everything that they offer, which is quite sad to say the least.
Second Sight (Xbox, $.99)
007 Everything or Nothing (Xbox, $.99)
NBA 2k6 (Xbox 360, $3.99)
KOTOR (Xbox, $3.99)
Out of those, I am most excited about KOTOR, I have heard great things about that game and I am ready to play it for myself. I will post my opinion on the game in a later blog, but I am definitely looking forward to this game...
Gaming News:
Halo 4 already in the works at Bungie? http://sarcasticgamer.com/wp/index.php/2008/07/source-halo-4-is-already-in-development.html
All I have to say is this... Was this even a surprise? I mean they made like $200 million in the first week so a new halo game was bound to happen, but Bungie, please take all the time that you need. Don't rush this game, invest in it and make it the best that it could possibly be. Improve the Campaign great, make the MP even better, and just make this game better.
Video of the Day:
I cannot wait for Resident Evil 5, this game is going to be AMAZING! Sorry if this trailer is old, I just came across it yesterday. I don't know how I missed it earlier. (It didn't work embeded, so I just linked it, sorry for the inconvenice)
Well, that is all I have for today, please leave me comments about how I can make my blog better and stuff.