Yes, as the title reads, this is a list of the top three games for this year, for me... This is, of course, more than these three that I will be getting, but these are my top 3.
1. Far Cry 2
I played the first Far Cry game and absolutly loved it, it was just so fun and I had a great time with it. Everything that I have seen on this game, shows pure excellence. The graphics are phenominal, the physics are great, its an open-world FPS, and so much more. This is one of those, do anything, go anywhere games, but whats makes it unique is that it is an FPS, 50KM map. Africa is brought alive in this living, breathing world. This game could be the surprise of the year, and this is why it is my "most-wanted" game for 2008.
2. Gears of War 2
This... should I say, Epic game, is coming this November. It is the sequel to one of the Xbox 360's best games of the past. it had the best graphics to date, for consoles, and it dominated the market then, but that was then. Now, with monster games like Halo 3 and Grand Theft Auto 4, it will have a challange to retake its crown of the best Xbox 360 game. Will it do it? I think so, with additions in every aspect, from graphics to physics, this game just might, be the best Xbox 360 game to-date.
3. Tom Clancy's EndWar
Yes, you are probably thinking to yourself right now... What the hell?!?! But yes, this is my third pick. For one, I love Tom Clancy games and Ubisoft, but also this game could completely change console RTS's in a good way. Adding excellent voice commands this could be the switch for console RTS's. One of my friends that works for Ubisoft was given an demo for the game and he said that it is just amazing. The controls are spot-on and it is actually fun to use the controls. So yes, this is one of my "most wanted" games of 2008.
Honorable Mentions
Fable 2
Prince of Persia
Resistance 2
Guitar Hero: World Tour