actually, the responses have helped to a degree man, just being able to openly discuss my issue is family knows about my OCD but i havent mentioned this gaming issue because i just feel so stupid because its something so trivial. Being able to finally talk about this has already given me some form of closure. Talking to a therapist would just make me uncomfortable, this is actually a great method...because im probably never going to meet anyone on these forums, i feel i can openly talk about anything related to my ocd. Its not like someone is going to see me on the street and be like, "Hey, theres that guy from the gamespot forums that has gaming OCD lol!! " ...see my point?
nah, i thought about the drugs but that might help with my tics...not so much for my gaming.....all the perscription drugs and therapy wouldnt make me think that i completed the games on my own....its a tough thing to deal with, esspecially being a gamer....i just want someone to ease my mind thats all, im looking for comfort dealing with something i cant seem to control...
hello everyone, i have OCD and it has stretched into my video gaming..let me explain Whenever i play a video game, i have to do EVERYTHING on my own, and i mean everything....if someone is sitting in the room while im playing a game and they say something like "hey man, you need to climb that staircase to get to the next part", i feel as if they have helped me proceed through the game and in which case means i didnt complete the game 100% on my own so i quit....for example, i got half way through the legend of zelda for gamecube and someone in the room pointed out that i was missing a puzzle piece to proceed through the dungeon i was in, and this person was right, i was missing a piece...but i couldn't bring myself to proceed any further through the game because i felt as if the whole reason i was any further in the game was because someone helped me so i stopped playing it..i tried to continue but couldn't enjoy it at all because someone helped's my most recent OCD gaming and my buddies made world of warcraft characters and we were having a blast, all the way up to level 30 in just a few days...then, i walked away from my keyboard for 2 seconds while my spouse was by the computer..well, someone messaged me on my World of warcraft character and said "hey, here, you can have this"...this person was giving away a free item just for the sake of being nice..well, because i wasn't at the computer, my spouse accepted the trade on my character while i wasn't now my OCD is kicking in and i feel like even though she didn't really HELP my character, shes altered it in some way to make it so my character has no longer been 100% on my own...its crazy i know, and now im not even enjoying playing this character anymore even though i know i should be..i even deleted the item that i got while i was away from my comp because i wasn't the one who accepted the trade...and this still isnt satisfying me....Ive got tons of wow characters now because of these little things. I quit my level 46 hunter because my brother snuck up to the computer and killed 1 bad guy which gave me a very small amount of experience but was enough to make me feel like my hunter was no longer played on my own speed....this is driving me nuts because i just want to play the game but my OCD is so bad that i now have to shut WoW right off if im leaving the room so know one can do anything on my characters...anyone got any advice? i know these things are trivial, but i know its related to my OCD which means the chemicals in my brain have something to do with this, but i mean, its pretty sad when i cant play/enjoy my favorite characters (ones that ive spent tons of time on) because someone accepted a trade while i wasnt at the computer, or killed one enemy and gained a ridiculously small amount of xp while i wasnt controlling the character myself.
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