CDPR is only better at making their games more racist and sexist.
Good god, SJW bullshit has infected SW now too? -_-
CDPR is only better at making their games more racist and sexist.
Good god, SJW bullshit has infected SW now too? -_-
Why do people buy this game and then complain that it's not a linear action packed game heavy on story and multiplayer? I can't take someone seriously who couldn't tell that this game wasn't going to be for them if those things are what they value.
damn stop grasping....
There is a difference between wanting SOME structure / progression / reason to do the things you are doing in a sandbox game... and flat out asking for a linear game.
The main problem is that the game does a poor job of offering anything beyond its basic gameplay loop.
Ground combat - bad / near non existant.
Space Combat - Basic, makes Star Fox look like a super flight sim.
graphics? below average, poorly optimised , art style not carrying it well enough.
Biomes/Enviroments - Very inconsistant, 90% are bad, 10% are great. Just like the mocking trailer above ... the "Lush worlds" barely exist that look as good as the promo trailers.
Races / Civilisations - bad ... just flat out vendor NPCS with no soul, no nothing. No real politics, not area shifting alliances, or anything beyond "Here is how mad these people are at you on a scale of 1-10."
Progression - Assassin creed style charging to every "?" until you die of old age... with a hint of RNG ... oh its yet another little building with the same "Tool Machine" inside ... exciting stuff.
We get it, flying from space to planets is "cool", randomly generated worlds with endless variety (lol) is "cool".
But not in no mans sky.
Endless possibility?
More like Endless with no possibilities. No emergent gameplay generated from complex a.i, or varied core gameplay systems.. there is just nothing to the game.
"Mine, Mine Mine Mine, fly, Mine Mine Mine, fly, Mine Mine Mine, talk to NPC that you will never remember or think about twice, MINE MINE MINE , OH LOOK A BLUE PLANET."
Spot on, couldn't have said it better myself.
Jay Wilson of Diablo 3 infamy (i think).
I recommend people to play Freelancer instead. The game still has a lot of shock value even till this day. Graphics look surprisingly good, except character models, which are OK-ish. Storytelling and Cutscenes are also really good, and every star system is handcrafted with a lot of variety and lore.
It's not available for purchase anymore (because Microsoft) but you can torrent it and it only takes few hundred MBs, so you'll be playing it in no time. It works even on a shitty PC now.
A million times this, Freelancer is still godly.
I put hundreds of hours into Elite Dangerous, but this bores the crap out of me. And it runs like crap on my 1080, how??.
1. That's a whole lotta planets.
2. Pretty atmospheric
1. Looks pretty bad, even within it's artstyle.
2. Gather Simulator 2016.
3. The flight controls are horribly basic.
4. Pretty terrible PC port.
Glad i tried a friends copy before i wasted 60 bucks on this overhyped mehness.
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