So I was browsing my game collection and I realized that there were some games that I own, but for one reason or another, have not beaten. Whether they be old c1assics or new ones that I have tossed aside, I just neglect to play some games fully.
Forza 2

Current Progress: 43% into career mode
Why I Haven't Beaten It: A similar thing had happened to me in Forza 1 where the races just got too long for my taste and at some points sadistically difficult. I might finish it at some point, but it's going on the back burner for now at least.

Current Progress: Interval 8: The Slums
Why I Haven't Beaten It: Sadly I got into this game just a few days before Bioshock came out, so understandably, I was distracted, never to return. Or at least not yet.
Brothers In Arms: Road to Hill 30

Current Progress: Chapter 14: Cole's Charge
Why I Haven't Beaten It: Even though I just got this game (it was recently featured in my blog) I still feel that there is no excuse for leaving it unbeaten for this long. One of these weekends.
X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalpyse

Current Progress: Somewhere annoying in the middle that I got stuck at
Why I Haven't Beaten It: I got stuck in the annoyingly repetitive jungle setting and just never went back. I only played it when my friend was over to play co-op with me anyway.
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction

Current Progress: Final Mission, General Song
Why I Haven't Beaten It: I really couldn't tell you. This has to be one of my favorite games on Xbox, and for some reason I have not beaten the final mission. I'll get to it some day soon.
Timesplitters 2

Current Progress: One of the Alien levels
Why I Haven't Beaten It: In all seriousness, the game just does not like me. I will get to a certain point in said level I am stuck on, and the game will freeze. No cleaning, toying or coaxing with the disc will elicit a positive outcome. At least I can still play multiplayer on this disc.
Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

Current Progress: Chapter 8: The Thousand Year Door (just before the final boss encounter)
Why I Haven't Beaten It: Another instance of me just getting distracted from some of the best games I have ever played. This is another of my all time favorites, and yet I have not finished it. Becoming a common theme here, I will get to it.
Viewtiful Joe

Current Progress: Some annoying part on Adult difficulty
Why I Haven't Beaten It: I love this game, but it is discouragingly hard. I may go back to it someday, but for right now im not in the mood for this kind of sadistic difficulty. It isn't very often that a game comes a long that begs to be loved and hated so much at the same time.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Current Progress: 12 Hours (Water Temple)
Why I Haven't Beaten It: This game fails to hold my interest. Plus I think the Wii controls are unnecessary and further discourage me from diving back into this one. Sometimes I just find it unnecessarily confusing and difficult because of controls, explanations, and puzzles. Trust me, if I could get through Ocarina, I will get through this some day.
That's about it for this time. I'll try and update you on my progress in these games, If I make any. Do you guys have similar problems in beating games, or am I just an irresponsible gamer? :P What are your thoughts?
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