borderlands 1 was very light in story, and the few important points are explained at the beginning, the first game also had repetitive sidequest that you were a lot of times forced to do because the main mission would not unlock until you finished a few of them , however you can get the game of the year edition for the first game for a good price,wich includes all the DLC, (but be warned, you get codes for the DLC, they are not on the disc) , so you have more game at a lower price
great article,but I would also say that there are even games that deserve a lower score that are worth trying,(as long as you buy them for 5 bucks) just because they are entertining, because they are so bad ,games that come to my mind are vampire rain, onechambara and stormrise
the music is fantastic, but hearing it like it's posted here, with the sound effects but without the visuals it gets annoying! please give us either a "clean" version without the effects, or with effects in form of a video
"No one over the age of 17 could take Duke Nukem Forever seriously or misinterpret it" that statement sadly isn't true, there is so much peolpe that has no sense of humor and don't understand satires and irony.
in mass effect one saren was a great villain, sure he was just a pupet of the reapers, but the hate he felt for humans, his presence through the whole game and being a "real,tangible" treath made im better than the aimles battle against the collectors that were controled by a reaper but never had any personality
bardos-the-3rd's comments