After all of these patches, would you or would you not recommend this game to a previous Sim City fan? I'v debated buying, but if the game is broken than no. However, if it's mostly ok with just a few annoyances I'm still game.
@ElFlechero @barkeep Good points that I never really thought of mainly because I play at home. If I were you I'd probably use my phone for an internet connection to get you past work.
Back in the day I use to hack games, simple things like attributes, character level or gold etc.... I understand why they don't want to do the offline mode, but ultimately I think the game companies could come up with a better solution than requiring always online.
Why do soo many people care about offline mode? Personally, I want to and prefer to play online. Now if the servers are unreliable I'd rather them focus their time on that.
@willzihang They ran their tests at a much higher resolution.2560x1600 which is much better than consoles which tend to run at 1280x720. If they tested this resolution which why would they bother, they would have FPS in the hundreds.
I'd just like to weigh in and say this review seems consistent with which is my go to source for real pc hardware information. Their review is up here:,3516-29.html
It also states that the Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition is $8.38 per FPS vs the 780 which is $10.73 per FPS. So if your a budget gamer you'd probably go with a different choice here.
barkeep's comments