It's still early dude. Give them some slack. The graphics looks amazing after all. Do you remember the first time Resistance was shown? I don't lol but I bet it wasn't anywhere near as great as the final game was.
Face it, we wouldn't have price cuts today if there were no competition. Look at the Wii, no price cuts cause it's selling so well while in reality it's the most expensive console (in terms of what you get) out there.PS2 didn't get a price cut until Xbox (the original one) cut it's price. If Home were to do anything more than okay I bet that MS would have to lower their XLive fees (maybe to nothing?).
Recently because of PS3 capabilities MS greenlit the possibility for developers to use hard drive space for their games as a standard (sad news for core owners though). And would PS3 have gotten Home if it hadn't been for Xlive's success? I believe not.
I'm stuck between PES and Assassin's Creed. (yeah I know two totally different games)
Anyway I'mma keep my eyes on it and wait to hear more about the controls. Cause it sounded a bit complicated. Other than that the game looks awsome. No doubt I'm gonna be owning it at one time. Just not sure right away
probably, but dont get it yet. I hear the price is 10$ for online patch and 20$ for the whole package. In other words if you buy it now you gotta pay 10$ extra for a patch.
Or let me put a little bit easier:
Buy now: 20$ + another 10$ for online patch
Wait for online: Buy the wholethe game with online modefor 20$
I pick MGS4 for being more than upgrade. I can't really see where RE5 is headed. I mean how much can they improve RE4. I can only see upgrades like dodging like we've seen in the trailer, graphics ofc and maybe improvedenvironment interactions. While I see so many possibilities with MGS4. They're already implemented Over-The-Shoulder camera and they said that you can even play it like a FPS all the way, the camo suit, that little robot and list goes on.
They also got one heck of a story. While RE has been confusing lately. Leon Kennedy working for President? Shouldn't he be hiding? Claire was in Europe for no real reason from what I remember (Codename: Veronica). Chris Redfield now in Africa? Also the fact that Shinji Mikami ain't working on it. Though even with all that said, I'm still gonna get RE5. Besides we haven't seen much of RE5
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