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SSP--First Edition

Hello and welcome to my first edition SSP

School was pretty funny this week. I got after-school detention for throwing a paper-ball at my friend's head!!! :P The teacher got really pissed and she is really old like 60-70 so it is even more funny. My mom is like "what u got detention!!???!"

Here are my grades:

I usually do better. I am a 5 A and 1 B student. But it is still early in the year and I got about 16-14 weeks until the semester is over.


So the Red Sox lost to the rays!!!:( I think the Rays will win the WS this season. They deserve it. The Eagles won. Kobe's knee is fine. And my Football Fantasy team is losing my 7 because the Charger's D gave my -7 pioints!!!!! They're getting dropped!


Nutin much in my personal life. Still trying to get a girl that I liked for 3 years now, just watching her walk by with the sandy blonde hair and the diamond blue eyes and the hot body... ahhhhhhhh (iam falling in love)...


Okay enough of that, my gaming life is really good right now I just picked up NBA 2k9 like 2 weeks ago. It is really great. My rep on my GamerTag is now 4 stars.


Nutin much happened this week so see ya guys later and tune in to my next week's edition.