Splinter Cell Double Agents multiplayer is beyond horrible. It's not even slightly fun with either class.
well yeah if you play it NOW...when that came out it was sweet- now its probably terrible How could that **** be sweet? One class without a weapon that does nothing but hide and another class with unlimited ammo that just sits there bored all day. Easily the dullest multiplayer I have ever played. You clearly were terrible at the game, then, if you were bored. Either that, or have never played it, because hiding is the basic concept of the series. People played it I assume because they enjoyed it, not because it was easily the dullest multiplayer they have ever played. I bought the game a year and a half after it came out, and there were still tons online.bass_11's forum posts
well yeah if you play it NOW...when that came out it was sweet- now its probably terribleSplinter Cell Double Agents multiplayer is beyond horrible. It's not even slightly fun with either class.
Analysts are never wrongModern Warfare 2 (according to analysts) is going to be the best selling game of all time
well my room and the family room are on two different sides of the house so i cant have a big cable running through my houseFuzzy_Shoes
1. wireless signal will depend on the router. My router is on my top floor, and my laptop i use in the basement with no loss of signal (but it was an expensive router.
2. For XBL, which also required a long ethernet going from one end of the house to the other (different floors as well), i just fished an ethernet through the vents down to my basment. Its quite simple once I saw someone do it. Anyone at Home Depot can fill u in.
3. Apparently the wireless adapter for XBL is really good, so if u have a dece router, shouldnt be a problem.
480i babbeeeeeeeee.......jk...1080p
[QUOTE="limpbizkit818"][QUOTE="ambles235"]Also I find it funny that americans are unaware that America lost in a war against Canada. heh
You mean in the war with Britian (1812)? At the time it wasn't Canada, and no one lost that war.
Why is this turning into a USA v. Canada thread?
wow we actually took over the white house. Then burned it which is the real reason why the white house is white. We then gave it back and left.
(it smelled like old people)
[QUOTE="ambles235"]Also I find it funny that americans are unaware that America lost in a war against Canada. heh
You mean in the war with Britian (1812)? At the time it wasn't Canada, and no one lost that war.
Why is this turning into a USA v. Canada thread?
thats true, but we burnt down ur precious white house MUAHAHA
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