So, here is the deal, I was playing GTA4 a couple weeks ago. my apartment got a power blip, the system forced reboot, and i picked up where i left off. after a while the game came back "disc unreadable" i checked the disc, but it was fine. so i shut the console down for a while and went shopping. i needed that stuff they call "food". Me and my girlfriend sat down to eat dinner and watch a movie on the 360, I booted the 360, it got stuck at the logo screen for a few minutes, then bounced back with E86 (0r 68, i don't remember the actual error number) I started to freak, as all my game saves are on the hard drive, I thought my Xbox was dead, it was a 2 shipment launch console was shipped out for RROD about 2 years ago and has been working great since. I did some research to find out what the error actually means, only to find out it ishard drive failure. I took the hard drive off the console, and tried to boot the console up again, and it worked fine. I was so mad. I lost all my saves. I searched online for anyway to save the drive and get it to boot up long enough to get my saves off it. to no avail, i tried opening the shell and connecting it to a PC to run CHKDSK but it would not go in, the drive was indeed dead. I can't complain too much cause i got more then my moneys worth out of it.
So the warranty from M$ ran out this past january, so i was screwed from that end, so i priced out the console to trade in to gamestop for a ELITE system. I brought the 360 w/ wired controller, original nintendo DS, and a junk load of games for the DS and Gamecube that i never play anymore. the store put 196 towards the ELITE. I purchased the 1 year gamestop warranty, total price came to 269. I was amazed it was low.
So regardless i lost my saves, I will have to endure the time to start playing some of the games over again, luckily a couple of the major hitters i was working on, i was either 100% done with (Assassins Creed) or was going to start a new game for the rest of the achievements (Fable 2)
I just got to deal with the loss of the saves, but the ELITE looks great and runs even better than the last one. :-D
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