its been a while since a blog posting.
well I finally found a game that gets me going online. Rainbow Six: Vegas. I started playing it in single player (which is what I usually do in any game) then a friend asked me to play with them in team t-hunt on realistic and high occupancy, so I grabbed my shield and pistol, and said lets go.
what an experience, I played some games on regular xbox but the AI was too dumb, and spawned the same area every match and moved the same way every match, got repetitive and boring, Vegas is the total opposite. I would go outside in the match, and sometimes there would 7 enemies to greet me, other times there were none. some times I even got caught in the middle of 4 enemies due to them flanking me in mulitiple directions.
The ranking feature is pretty cool as well. I played from Private Second Class to corporal in a few hours last night. the game is addicting. If any one is unsure about getting this, I recommend it. great game. lots of fun