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My changed opinion, along with other things!

Hey guys, this post is going to be about random things, as usual I guess....

Gears of War-Yup, still playing it, tons of multiplayer, and me and my Brother are on Act 4 on hardcore, going to finish it soon hopefully, then we will work on insane, woo hoo!  As multiplayer goes, I would have to say I am pretty good, I don't play many ranked matches though (I really should), because I don't like that you have to leave a game after every match, it just irritates me, so I just usually play player matches. I'll get into the ranked matches soon I am sure.

Xbox live video marketplace-So, two blog posts ago, I think, I said alot about it, and how much I thought it was a great idea, and that is was really good, I have changed my mind... These are some things that I think are very very wrong:
-Slow downloads! It took me allmost 8 hours to download Rat Race (great movie), it wasn't even in HD (that affects it, right?).
-When this first came out, I thought when I paid for the movie, and I downloaded it, I got to keep it forever, actually, you get it for 14 days.  BUT I GOT IT FOR 24 HOURS!!!  I don't understand, can someone clear that up for me? please?
-Prices, I think the prices on tv shows are way over priced, movies not so much, but tv shows are in my opinion.  I guess if you don't want to buy the whole season of it on DVD, I see how it is good, but just single episodes are too much in my opinion.  If I want to watch these shows, I'll just go out and buy the DVD sets.

So, there you go, that's what I think is the problem with the XBLVM.

Wii, well, I am getting my Wii this weekend.  There is a good, and a bad side to this... The good side is, I get a Wii, obviously.  The bad side is that I can't have it untill christmas, which means I  will have a wii in my house that I can not play, it is going to be very hard, I'll just see the box, and just want to tear it open, but I can't...Well, at least I am getting one. 

Wii games-Well I am getting Zelda for sure. I need one more, I am trying to decide between three games: Monkey Ball, Rayman, and trauma center.  Right now, I am kind of leaning twoards rayman, what do you guys think?

COD3-I finished it, my review will be up shortly, I'll probably go and write it after I am done with this blog post.  Well, I have an intresting thing to say about the end of this game.  I was playing the final mission, I got an achievment for beating the game, won the war, and as that poped up and the mission was getting over, I died, kind of crazy, so I had to start over at the last checkpoint, it was very odd.

X360 HDTV player- I haven't heard much about it, and how good it is.  Can anybody give me their opinion on it, does it look spectacular, is it worth the 200 bucks??

Well guys, this is all for me.  Thanks for reading,