My DSL has been gone for about 2 weeks, and it finally came back, and of course it was the week of E3, so I had to watch the sony press confrences on dial up, and it was so blocky I couldn't even see it, after that I was like screw this, I will wait for my DSL to watch the others. But I am back on XBL now, finally. anywayz, tonight is the farewell dance at my school, it is basicly prom, for 7-8 graders, so I am going to that with my girlfriend, ought to be pretty fun, starts at 7:30 tonight, ends at 10:00, hopefully there will be some good music, we got a new DJ, because at all the previous dances he played all rap, and it was really annoying, so this new guy says he plays some rock, so hopefully it will be good, well, I got to go, my girlfriend is going to get here pretty soon.
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