Better Late Than Never
by bastila19 on Comments
I have a bad habit. I always get interested in things late into their life cycles or just because. I've been that way with the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Scrubs at the end of the fifth season, and now Final Fantasy. HOLY CRAP FINAL FANTASY! These past few weeks I have had a mission. I am going to play all of the core Final Fantasy games except XI. I'm waiting for the remakes of I and II, got III for DS, IV (thanks Shmappblarg!), V, and VI for GBA. Ordered VII off of Ebay, planning on getting VIII and IX for about $20.00 together on Ebay, am almost done with X, don't really plan on playing XI, and I got XII. Good news Final Fantasy is awesome! Bad news, they are so fun that they last so long! Right now I am playing FFX and FF IV. FFIV is fun and I'm on the dark crystals part. But so fun but such a pain in the ass! Right now, I am up to Braska's Final Aeon and like every other RPG I play, I got there too early. Lulu doesn't have Doublecast or Ultima, Yuna doesn't have Holy or Ultima, and Tidus/Auron both don't have Quick Hit. The closest I've been to actually beating him is getting him down to about 30,000 HP in his first form. Yeah I'm behind. I'm going to do all of the side-quests to level up and get some extra Aeons and spells. After that battle though, I think the rest of the game is pretty easy. So yeah, right now it is FF, FF, and more FF. This is a pretty long blog post and I'm going to end it here. Sorry about it taking so long, but I was busy with . . . ah, Hell with it, I was lazy/sleeping. Until next time!