bastila19 / Member

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Gears of War!

Of course here is blog post number 2 fashionably late.  This week I've been swamped with homework so I haven't been able to play very much.  In the little time I've played this week, I have been Gears of Warrin' it up.  I played online co-op with my friend and we beat act 3 on insane.  We're on Act 4 where you have to split up where one person takes the ground while the other takes the building.  It must have been our 10th time doing that part where I went up the building, killed the Theron Guard, provided support fire from above with the sniper, and moved on to the next room.  My friend was taking down the Nemacysts for me while I moved into the next room.  There were two wretches and a shotgun Locust in the next room.  I threw in a frag and killed one of the wretches while the other wretch came at me with my chainsaw blazin'. :)  So I go around the lockers that are in that room and two more wretches come from the ceiling.  They caught me off guard, but I killed them.  So I got the Hammer of Dawn and was shooting the Seeder when I see a wretch running on the low ground where my friend was.  Before I could get out my Lancer, it jumped from the ground up through the second floor window and killed me.  That made me so mad!  My friend and I finally gave up on it last night, but we'll get it eventually.  And I'm still playin LOZ:TP, but having some troubles.  I went into Lakebed Temple and noticed I had two arrows left.  So I left and tried to go to Karikoko (sorry I butchered the spelling) Village to buy some.  But all of my paths are blocked.  If there is a place in Castle Town where you can buy arrows please let me know.  Or if any other place has them.  That was a pretty long rant this week, so I'll see you next Friday.