Just wait for MGS 4 and ESPECIALLY HAZE, and then continue talking on this thread. Basically, everything till the launch of Metal Gear Sold 4, Haze, or even Killzone 2 (and MAYBE also Resistance 2) can be considered speculation.
PS3 however is technologically superior full stop. 360 can be viewd as a console that uses more ore less standard technology, but very powerful "standard technology", whil PS3 uses less conventional techonlogy (cell processor and the way it works together with the RSX gpu) but again very powerful and theoretically capable of so much more. Also, ps3 has blu ray, and even though you can buy an external HD DVD drive for the 360 (which would make it more expensive overall than even the most expensive ps3), who cares? hd-dvd has less storage space (except of the triple layer which is as much as the dual layer blu ray, but quad layer blu ray is on it's way), and is slowly dying.
Ps3 runs games off of bly ray discs, which in the near future will be a huge advantage over the standard dvd-reading 360, cos there simply will be games that will take over 8 gigs of info (dual layer dvd), so games WILL get more complex on the ps3 than 360.
But again, untill we don't see the before mentioned ps3 exclusives, we can't tell if ps3's technological advance is really useful or not.
But if these games will use the resources appropriately and use the blu ray space appropriately (10-15 gigs at least) , i thin we'll be looking at some (or at least ONE) game that will probably look better than the 360 will ever be capable of pulling of.
Everything is a big IF:
ps3 out selling the 360
ps3 getting better games than 360
ps3 being technologically advanced, and seeing it in games as well, besides on paper wher it ACTUALLY IS!
and this is because of 2 reasons:
1) 360 has a full year advantage (which is a lot, especially in the sales domain)
2) 2008 is expected to be the year of the ps3....and it barely started so HAVE PATIENCE!!
Pwn3d, to all you 360 people who think you are the Shi* for having a shi**y console, your days are numbered 360 tick tock
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