Listen here.
1) The Downfall of Us All – 5/5: Hell of a good intro song to the album, basically sets the tone pop mosh tone that dominates the CD. Great song.
2) My Life for Hire – 5/5: Great introduction with beautiful singing and br00tal guitar riffs. Just a prime example of why this is the perfect "hybrid" band for my taste.
3) I'm Made of Wax, Larry, What Are You Made Of? – 5/5: Great chorus, and a killer breakdown. Great track. Awesome ft by TWDP frontman! 8)
4) NJ Legion Iced Tea – 5/5: Another great song with great riffs throughout. Also, my favorite breakdown on the CD. Love this song.
5) Mr. Highway's Thinking About the End – 4.5/5: Great guitar introduction, but not my favorite vocals on the CD.
6) Have Faith in Me – 5/5: I have a strong emotional connection to this song, and the opening riff is almost stolen from Tom. ;) But the riff shortly after it proves that while ADTR takes a few tricks from blink's arsenal, they still have a unique $tyle of play.
7) Welcome to the Family – 5/5: Another song with a great breakdown, and a really good chorus. Solid.
8) Homesick – 5/5: Another song that sounds a bit similar too without directing copying blink. Great chorus, and a great singing breakdown. Love this song.
9) Holdin' It Down for the Underground: - 4.5/5: Great breakdown yet again, and a pretty good chorus. Breakdown is what makes the song for me though.
10) You Already Know What You Are: - 5/5: Great short angry outburst of a song. Love it. Says a lot without actually saying that much.
11) Another Song About the Weekend: - 4.5/5: Great singing, but weak guitar. Weakest song on the CD, but I still like it a lot. Good chorus.
12) If It Means A Lot to You: - 5/5: Holy crap, I Love this song. Sierra and Jeremy are AWESOME together. Very memorable chorus, and ADTR never goes wrong when they pick up an acoustic guitar. My favorite track I think.
PS I'm completely torn on my #2 and #1, so I've decided that they are both equal to me. :)
So my next blog you shall see my 2 #1s!
Btw, screw the fact that you can't say cl@ss or $tyle. So dumb.