An all black suit. About freaking time!
Anyway, this is the movie that changed me from a casual movie fan, to a border-line obsessed film-critique.
I love how they explained his origins in this movie, and I thought everyone minus Kate Cruise played very good roles. Scarecrow was very good, and Liam Neeson in general made the baddies good, and the overall dark atmosphere and setting were very well preferred over Adam West-titling-camera-and-stupid-onomatopoeia-esque Batman.
This is also the movie that introduced me to Christopher Nolan, and this is the first of 3 his movies that will be on this list.
I believe what carried this movie over Spiderman and Iron Man (imo) is the music. Hans Zimmer truly outdid himself, until we were introduced to The Dark Knight. The man knows how to make an exciting scene EXCITING.
Overall, my favorite super hero who finally received an excellent movie based on his excellent story. How could this not be on my top?
Plus, no Robin = happiness.