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I have a inquiry for you guys. (And a short bit about the epicness of Memento)

I'm thinking about whether I should ask my friend to the banquet (essentially, my school's version of a prom). She's really sweet, (both as in she's really cool and really nice ) she's drop dead gorgeous, doesn't like sappy romance movies , laughs at pretty much every attempt i do to make her laugh, and well... I just don't know. My family and I (correct gramatically?) have agreed that I probably shouldn't be dating anyone in high school, and my agreement to this is weak at best. This girl has had so many absolute d-bags just totally screw over her kindness, her beauty, etc. and I just feel like she needs better. For the longest time I've wanted a really good girl-friend, and even though she's leaving in nine weeks, I think she fits what I want in a girl-friend (and girlfriend!). So, should I ask her to this banquet? What do you guys think?

Oh and Memento, is now my 4th favorite movie. [spoiler] I noticed about 30 minutes in that the film was going in reverse, but I was under the impression he had in fact not found his wife's murderer. I was totally thrown off when I learned that Natalie was a jerk, and I thought it was weird initially that Leonard kills Teddy at the beginning. But every second of it was extremely exciting, and yet again Christopher Nolan shows off his impressive directing skills. Now I'm gonna go watch Shawshank Redemption and Catch Me If You Can. [/spoiler]