First of all, Kagome's taking a bath in a lake and crys that the water is so cold. Kaede is telling her to get out , but she still stays in the bath. Then she thinks about what happaned the last few days. Then she gets out and get into Kikyo's clothing, she even has her hair in a Kikyo way!
InuYasha thinks she looks like Kikyo and toddels. Then a lady calls Kaede to help her and Kaede tells Inuyasha and kagome to try not to fight. Then InuYasha tells Kagome to take off her clothes, then Kagome bangs a rock on his head. "I mealt to get into your clothes not get naked!" Inuyasha yelled, pioting to her clothes. Then Kagome takes her clothes and walk away. Inuyasha askes where she's going and Kagome yells "HOME!"
Then it goes to Kaede and the lady. They were in the lady's hut and her child is ill. The lady says that she had been okay today, when she flew up and Kaede told the lady to back up. Then she notised that it looked like hair and then the knife wiggled to the child's hand and she lifed it.
Kagome is walking to the well and talking about InuYasha. Then she lays her clothes down and stands up. The minit she did, she got cut. "Looks like hair!" She said. Then a girl (a demon really,) named Yura appeared. She said to finish Kagome up and send hair down to get the box that held one shard. She opens it and finds one shard. She stays confadent and draws a sword, then jumps down. Kagome grapes and yura hit her. Then kagome flew into the well. "That's weird, to think about it, so is that girl!" Yura said.
InuYasha is runing to find Kagome and visits the villge. He see's girls handing with knifes and spaers and stuff. They all pick it up and Inuyasha knew they wanted to fight.
InuYasha got ready, then he notised they were villge-girls. He finds Kaede, who tells him stuff like to not hurt the girls. He doesn't lisen and started trying to hit them.
Then Yura is wanting to get Inuyasha into her caletion.
The girls fly up and Inuyasha gets tigled in hair. Then he trys to beak it, but it was hard (because he's kinda getting contruded). Yura takes the hair back and finds Inuyasha's silver hair.
Then Kagome is sitting in the well at her time, when sota and grandpa were looking into the well. Then Kagome is out with Sota and grandpa and Sota is asking where she got the cute Kikyo clothes. Kagome just went and hugedf grandpa and cried "I was so scared!"