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43 Broken Tetsusaiga At Last!

Well it starts off as inuyasha and sango are lying down on hay after the battle they had with kagura and kanna.And Inuyasha is thinking about kikyo and why she gave the jewl shards to naraku and that she said she wanted to see him dead.Just then shippo arrives and tells Inuyasha that moruko and kagome are out searching for more herbs and water for Inuyasha and sango.Shippo says to Inuyasha that sango is unable to move because of when she got hit with her own weapon.After shippo goes outside to get more water from the river.Then kikyo's soul givers arrive and attack shippo and some of them go to were inuyasha is inuyasha follows them outside and into the forest.then he falls down a ditch.The soul givers transport kikyo to were inuyasha is and she tells him that she gave the shards to naraku to banish him to hell and that she never wanted inuyasha to die.Then she says that no one will kill inuyasha and that his life is hers and that no one will take him away from her.Nearby kagura is spying on then because naraku doesnt trust kikyo and then kagura attacks but kikyo shot her sacred arrow at kagura and is about to use another one the arrow barely misses kagura and then kagura flys away on her feather.Kikyo then leaves.And then kagome yells INNUUUUUYASHA and we see inuyasha come out from the mist.and kagome runs to him and calls him a jerk and that he went and saw kikyo.So inuyasha is telling muroko and shippo about what he found out and inuyahs looks up and kagomes not there instead shes walking away all pissed off that inuyasha is not mad at kikyo and that he saw her.Muroko is putting bandiches on inuyashas skin and kagomes putting bandiges on sango's skin and sango says that kagome should stop worrying about her and go see if inuyasha is ok but kagome tells her to get off the subject.then muroko says that inuyasha should just say sorry and that muroko wants to skrock sangos delicate skin instead of inuyasha's.Later the gang see's the next reancarnation of naraku and the demon says that kagura and kanna were just experiments but that he was the real thing.Then inuyasha takes his sword out and battles but the demon can read every single thought.So he doges every single move from the tetsusaiga.Then the sword goes in the demons mouth and the demon cuts it right in half.and hits inuyasha and since inuyasha is still injured by the wind scar the wounds got bigger and blood spilled out form them.inuyasha is on the ground and the demon says that hes dead.he says to the rest of the gang that he will devoure them all.and the demon says that maroku better not use the wind tunnel cause hell just doge it and that sango is unnable to move.he says to kagome that he knows that she'll use the sacred arrow but he'll doge that to.he forgets about shippo since he cant do anything to the demon.and he says that kagome will be the first one to be devoured.and in kagomes head she yells inuyasha.the monster says inuyasha is dead and then says o no he has a heart beat.Inuyasha popps up and cuts the demons arm off.and his face is different his teeth are bigger and his eyes are red.and then he slays the demon and is happy and wants to kill more.Kagome see's him and walks near him he tells her to stay away because he does not now what he is going to do next.she walks closer and tells him to sit.he falls to the ground and yells WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR!!!.Kagome falls to the ground and hugs inuyasha.Inuyasha then blushes.Hes looking at the tetsiaga and then the cow with three eyeballs shows up and inuyasha goes on it to get his sword fixed.its night time and the flee guy shows up and says to kagome that the tetsiaga was also used to keep the demon inside inuyasha weak but now that tetsiaga was broken the demon inside inuyasha will grow stronger.Inuyasha tells the old man to fix his sword and the old man pulls a fang out from inuyasha to keep the sword together.shess is walking and goes to the demon head that inuyasha destroyed in his demon form.shess says that the blood of inuyasha smells like his.Shess brings the head to kijinbo and tells him to make a sword from the teeth of the demon but kijinbo cant do it because its not alive.shess takes his sword and brings the head back to life.inuyasha is back with the gang and hes in his human form and sango says shes never seen him like that.Inuyasha is in the medow and kagome tells him that he was scary in his demon form and that she doesnt want him to forget her.he says he will never forget her or any of the gang.And that hes the same person no matter what happens.Kijinbo makes the sword and cuts joken in half and leaves to find inuyasha because the sword is controlling him.Shess comes and makes joken alive.back with the gang there all asleep exept for inuyasha and muroko tells him to go to sleep.The kijinbo comes and kagome and shippo wake up.and he asks inuyasha to fight but marako says that hes to delecate in his human form the cow thing arrives and the old man gives inuyasha his sword back.apperently the old man and kijinbo have met and inuyasha attacks with the tetsiaga but it cant transform because inuyasha is human.Muroko throughs a new weapon at kijinbo and it cuts kijinbos head in half but kijinbo is still alive because the sword is possesing him.then inuyasha says to kijinbo he should have killed him earlier and then inuyasha transforms back to his half demon self.And tetsiaga transforms.ITs so heavy inuyasha falls and asks what did the old man do to the sword.The old man says that it must have been inuyasha's tooth that made it so heavy.inuyasha says fine and raises tetsiaga and goes to attack, kijinbo does the same.