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44 Kaijinbo's Evil Sword

it starts out with inuyasha thinking about how he was as a his heart wasnt human and he was filled with pure anger...then all he remebers is killin the demon..thenkagome come with fried fish and gives it to inuyasha..he says thakn you and shippo yells at him for being such a loser and to stop thinking about that..then he hit shippo on the thing they know is the sky turns grey and the cow of tottosi turns he alone they thing the myoga turns up and asks what happened to tetsiggia...he sees the broken sword and cries.."you must see mater tottosi and fix your swond!!!!!!" and so off inuyasha goes..then myoga explains to the rest of them that how the tetsiggia keeps inuyasha's demon half inside..and when it is broken his death is inevitble...and now it will be harder to control his demon half..also the sword protects its scene we hear master tottosi crying and yellin at inuyasha for breaking his swordthen he tell him he can repair it over 3 days but he needs somehting to bind it with so he pulls inuyashas fang...but it will grow back in a mere half a inuyasha goes scene is the evil sword maker and fluffy came in with the head of the deamon inuyasha killed...he brings it to life so the bad sword maker can use the fangs..but when he makes it..the sword posses him...and he is very powerfulhe goes after inuyasha and tries to kill him...(forgot to mention but every new moon inuyasha turns human..tonight was a new moon)so he is powerless...sango throughs her weapon and he breaks it..the maroku uses spirtual powers but the sword brings him to life again...then inuyasha goes and right then tottisa comes and gives him his sword..but it wont change until he has demon he fights and the sword holds..then he turns demon when the sun comes up and the sword changes but it is very heavy...he gets it up and then it ends