From the last episode where inuyasha was fighting kajinbo it continues.... inuyasha's sword is soo idiotically heavy he cannot do anything but swing it once in a battle. A little while after kajinbo disintegrates and dies because the swords power could not be contained by him.. the sword plummates to the ground and stays there with a evil aura around it.. miroku suggests he contains the aura by building a shrine.. shippo asks if he can use his buddhist powers to do that, miroku says it wouldnt work.. he'd need money(for girls :/). Inuyasha gets angry runs to totousai and calls him a bastard for making such a heavy sword.. totousai says that there is a way u can use it freely.. inuyasha gets shocked and there's a large silence.. inuyasha says u dont suggest i work out do u... totousai pauses.. err ah.. inuyasha punches his head and theres a big bump on it. Mean while Kagura spies on sesshoumaru for a lil while.. and sess cuts down two trees with his claws and asks her who she is.. Kagura says she's someone who is made by naraku and the fangs that were used to forge toukijin belonged to goshinki who was also a decendant from naraku.. Sess asks if that is all she came here to tell him.. and she flies and says the sword is yours and leaves on her feather.. Sess looks up into the sky and sees the aura of toukijin. Meanwhile miroku suggests they come back and wait for the barrer of the sword to come.. inuyasha complains and asks SO U WANT US TO RUN AWAY? so miroku says no and whispers to kagome a plan.... to get inuyasha to come with them.. (but they dont do it) Totousai sits down with inuyasha and tells him.. that before the tetsaiga was forged with the fangs of his father.. and now it is forged by the fangs of u.. thats why it is heavy.. before it was his father that was protecting him and now it is his turn.. Inuyasha looks at totousai in a shocked face.. then faces in another direction and hears an appaluse comming from the rest of the inu-gang.. he then smiles.. and realizes he mite be played.. then a big bang from ah un (the beast sess flies on) came.. and sess came flying down.. totousai ran scared and asked if inu can possibly defeat sess, inuyasha says.. he's not the type that would wait.. then after sess tells them that he ordered kajinbo to forge the toukijin.. totousai wonders if sess wil get possed but sess picks up the sword and the aura dissapears..totousai is surprised that the aura was defeated by sess himself. Then sess asks inu to challenge him to a battle 'n' waiits like 2 seconds then charges and inu.. inu charges at him and there was a big sword clash.. sess soon hits the tetusaiga and it flies and so does inu.. it lands and so does inu.. myouga warns inu about sess and tells him to pick up the tetsaiga.. inuyasha sais he cant use it so theres no point.. myouga warns him several times and inuyasha throws him away and goes after sess. Sess sends out a beam from the sword and it hits inuyasha.. then he charges after inu and.. theres a long silence.. inuyasha turns into demonic inuyasha and sess gets a lil scared and still charges.. theres a big fire beam taht comes outta totousai that seperates inu from sess and kagome walks up to inu and tells him to sit.. totousai tells them all to run away and.. sess stands stil.. after awhile jaken comes and calls sess but he doesnt answer.. the fire disspears into smoke.. and sess wonders how the hell he got a little scared.. kagura was hiding somewhere cuz she watched the battle and flew into the air thinking to herself that sess is strong.. maybe he can defeat naraku..becuz she doesnt want to take orders from him any longer.