Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku, and Shippo, find this huge tree and they all see these faces on it, they tell Inuyasha and the group why their heads are on the tree, and then they say "We were devored by the old man of the mountain." Inuyasha ignores Kaogme and jumps up to the old men/peachmen lair. Inuyasha gets eaten but the peach man throughs up Inuyasha in his human form! He comes out of the peach and hits the peach man, but the peach slams his body on inuyasha and Inuyasha becomes unconcis. He takes Inuyasha, and wraps him in blood sucking thorns, Inuyasha sees a shards of the sacred jewel "That's Kagome's jewel shards...she's here?!"(At least thats what he thinks).
Anyway Miroku, Shippo,and Kagome become tiney, and get stuck in this mini garden. Later the peach man grabs kagome still tiny and the peach man hurts her. Miroku and Shippo get out of the mini garden and follow the peach man. The peach man takes Kagome's clothes to Inuyasha to get him ticked off. "Wheres Kagome you...?!" The peach man tell's him that he's going too devor Kagome and Inuyasha, but Miroku helps out by using his wind tunnel and set's Inuyasha free. Miroku and Shippo tell Inuyasha where Kagome is. Inuyasha finds Kagome in a room and sees her with no clothes on, naked, nude!Inuyasha gives Kagome his outer part of his shirt. Then Inuyasha passed out and Kagome waited till he woke up so they could leave.
Kagome and Inuyasha find a cliff. Kaogme says "No way!" "I haven't said anything yet!" " Still like i said: No way!" Inuyasha and Kagome find this guy, as a plant! He says " Alas, i taught the peach man my spells." Inuyasha gets really ticked off and says " You idiot, how could you teach that demon your spells?!" The old man told Inuyasha that he's not a demon he was just a human. The peach man suddenly comes outside and hurts Inuyasha, Kagome gets mad at him and says hes a canibale (Canibale: eats human and animals fleash)The peach man said "My parents died like that wasting their lives, following orders from everyone else i voed ever to die like that while the old man was busy i read his scrolls and it said that in order to be young you have to devour the flesh of the persons flesh of the person who already mastered the spell."
Inuyasha gets inujured again, Kagome and the old man talk and he sacrifeces himself and turns into a bow and arrow. Kagome hits the peach man the sacred shard gets forced out the peach man goes after Kagome, but Inuyasha hits the peach man and they both fall off the cliff. Miroku and Shippo grow to their normal sizes. Kagome says "but i didn't want him too...." Inuyasha suprises Shippo, Kagome and Miroku. "Do you really think i can die from a human who's the idiot" "Am i the idiot for caring about you?!" Kagome starts to cry." Inuyasha is then very surprised and starts yelling.