Kagome has secon no tama in her neck. she has an arrow pointed at Inu-Yasha. Naraku laughes at their situation,mocking them saying"Inu Yaha if you run Kagome will die, if you stay she will kill you" Though her body isunder a spell her heart and mind are still hers. Kagome whispers, "run, inuyasha please go now." he responds "No! Kagome I'm staying with you" he rushes forward Kagome closes he eyes and fires dirctly at Inu Yasha. his eyes eyes bulge and he gasps. Miroku and Sango hover on Kirara above a huge blue dome. Sango asks "Can you break through?" "I don't know" he responds then he chants something under his breath."Kirara, take us down" he comands. they go down but hit the dome. he tells Sango that it is too strong for him when Kikyo shows up. she sees them in the sky and thinks 'those are Inu-Yaha's friends'she looks forward and walks right through the forcefeild. It then shows Naraku and the dark preastest. Naraku says "So Inuyasha has chosen death at Kagome's hands." the young woman with him says "Naraku you are truely evil, making Kikyo's reacantion kill the man she loves agen!" Some one distroys the demon puppet from behind, it is Kikyo. then it shows the real Naraku sitting safely in his castle with Kaugra standing near and Kannasitting on the floor with her mirror. Naraku chucls and says "Kikyo's made her apperance" then back to Kikyo. the woman starts talking abou the curse she put on kagome. Kikyo says that her weak magic will have no affect on Kagome.
Inu-yasha stares at Kagome and glances back at the arrow onthe wall that hs a piece of his shirt on it. Kagome colapes. he runs to her and holds her in his arms she mumbles "the voice in my head has stoped. Inuyasha I can sense it the jewl is near. he disaproves for amoment then agrees. he puts her on his back and they run off. when they reach it kagome purifys the dome thing and it disappers. The huge peice Naraku gave the witch began to puriffy just because Kagome was coming closer. the witch bragges about how she got Kagome to fire an arrow at Inuyasha. Kikyo shoots an arrow at the witch pinning her sleave to the wall she tell her she wouldn't interfear with her killing Kagome but if Inuysha would be hurt she would presonly kill her. then Kikyo disappated. When they reached the hut Inuyasha went to draw his sword the witch told him she would curse Kagome to death if he drew his sward. Then she releases a demon out of her eye. It's a big huge dog like thing with white fur and two tales Inuyasha begens to fight bare handed.