Tsubaki met 2 priestesses-in-training at the temple where she was raised when she was young. She lied to them and somehow got them to attack Inuyasha. At the village, Kagome woke up and remembered how she was cursed, and soon everyone else was up. Kaede said some stuff about Tsbaki's past, but Kagome sensed a shard. Inuyasha was a bit rude to Kaede and so Kagome said the magic word. Everyone, including Kaede, went out, but they forgot poor Shippo(don't worry, he caught up). They got to a place that was surrounded by an anti-demon shield and Inuyasha got blasted by it. Then the 2 priestesses showed up armed with poles and they said they were gonna kill the demons that Tsubaki mentioned. The gang tried to tell them what an evil jerk Tsbaki is but they didn't listen. They said that Miroku was a monk, Sango a demon exterminator, Inuyasha a demon, Kaede a pristess, and Kagome,uh, unsure(the clothes probaly), also a priestess. They called Shippo and Kirala cute and adorable, then they called Shippo a monster in a wierd way and scared him. Miroku went over to them and tried to reason with them, but who's gonna listen to a guy that rubs your butt? Double smack attack for the perv. Then they sent tiny paper figures at the gang but everyone just stepped on them, except Inuyasha, who(overdramatically) sliced them with his sword. Two of them ran back to their masters, one with a strand of Kagome's hair and the other with one of Inuyasha's. With them, the priestesses create giant but chubby clones(you can see what they look like at the screencaps) that have the same powers as the original. Kagome screamed, saying she wasn't that fat. Chubby Kagome and Chubby Inuyasha attacked Inuyasha. Kagome tried to sit Chubby Inuyasha but it only worked on the real one(hehe). Chubby Inuyasha stepped on his counterpart. Inuyasha finally blasted them and the priestesses were knocked out. The perv struck again, and Sango pulled his ear. They all went to the temple, looking for Tsbaki, who was further up the mountain, using a spell to open a tower. Kagura showed up, demanding the shard that Naraku lent her. Tsbaki said to wait.
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