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Episode 1: Fooly Cooly

A girl and a boy, Takkun, sit talking. The girl swings a baseball bat, while the boy sits doing homework. She throws down the bat and starts caressing the boy. He tells her she smells like smoke, but she denies smoking. He asks her why she always wants to do this kind of stuff. She tells him that she needs to do it or she’ll overflow. They fall to the ground.

A voiceover of Takkun explains that only the ordinary happens here. There’s a huge factory nearby town owned by Medical Mechanica, a maker of medical machines. When it arrived, the adults were excited, but then the smoke from the factory spread into the town.

After their make out session, Takkun and the girl walk away. She hands him what’s left of her beverage (beer?) and he throws the can down. In a very dramatized scene, a person on a moped drives past, hits the can, and skids into Takkun. He runs up to the body, calling him Taro-kun, and declares him dead. The girl tells him the boy’s name is Naoto-kun, but she calls him Takkun for short. The girl on the moped is flipping out, not understanding that the boy isn’t Taro and thinking that she killed. She is bouncing all over the street. She then attempts CPR, and when he comes to, she realizes he’s not Taro, hits him with her guitar to send him flying down the street, and then drives off.

At home, Takkun examines the bump on his head, which looks like a strange horn now. If he pushes it in, he looks normal. At school the next day, he wears a bandage over it to keep it in. The rest of his classmates think something is up. One asks if he’s heard about the Vespa Woman, the wasp woman. She has a guitar and rides a bike. If you do something bad, the mark of the devil will appear once she’s stung you. Takkun’s friends then observe the hicky on his neck and make fun of him… A voiceover of Takkun explains that this was ordinary. It was ordinary for him to see Samejimi Mamimi.

Takkun decided to go to the hospital. The Vespa Woman taunts him on the way, asking him what happened after she left. At the hospital, Takkun is diagnosed with Flictonic Klipple Waver Syndrome (FLCL), an adolescent psychological skin hardening syndrome. The nurse explains that it is a common affliction where children grow horns from trying too hard. He declares that it’s a lie. She admits it’s a lie and reveals her true form as the Vespa Woman as she tries to smack him with her guitar. He manages to escape the hospital

Mamimi calls and tells him she wants him to see a photo she has. He tells her he doesn’t care and that she should go out with her friends. At dinner, Takkun is appalled to see the Vespa Woman with his father and grandfather. His father introduces her as Haruhara and that she will be working as their housekeeper. There’s another crazy scene where the action follows a black and white manga as the family asks about each other’s business and learns of the high school girl Takkun has been making out with. (There’s an argument about furi furi or kuri kuri and being a pervert that I didn’t follow all that well.)

Later, Takkun sits in the bathroom washing and overhears the conversation downstairs. The adults are discussing the factory. When Takkun finishes, he goes back to his room where the Vespa Woman sits playing her guitar. She wants the top bunk. In a gradually intensifying scene, he asks who she is. She replies that she’s an alien. Unamused, he brings up her nurse stunt from earlier that afternoon. She asks what’s under the bandage. He asks what’s happening to him. She tries to take the bandage off. He smacks her hand away and tells her to go to his father. Silence then breaks the build up as they stand apart. He asks what she wants. She replies that he’s the first she’s met. He tells her the top bunk is his brothers, so no one is allowed to sleep there. He asks about his brother. He went to America to play baseball. She then crawls into bed with Takkun claiming if the top is his brother’s bunk, there’s no where else to sleep.

Annoyed, Takkun walks down the stairs to find another place to sleep. On his way, his father stops him and asks if he’s really against having Haruko stay with them. He tells him to do what he wants. His father then looks over photos of Takkun getting run over. Takkun recognizes them as Mamimi’s and asks when she came. His father answers that she came asking for the crusts and leftover bread. He supposes that she is poor. With that, Takkun runs out of the house. Mamimi sits by herself smoking along the road. Takkun runs up to her. She was apparently seeing Takkun’s brother, but hasn’t heard from him. She caresses Takkun then suddenly grasps her head proclaiming that she’s about to overflow. There are explosions and Takkun’s horn grows into two separate mech entities which start fighting each other. The red one takes out the white one (maybe?). Vespa woman rides in on her bike and strikes the mech in command, smashing it. Takkun then comments that she looks like his brother…

The next day, Takkun was able to take the bandage off. The horn was gone, and the mech now worked for their family. He meets Mamimi and drinks the beverage she offers him this time (beer?).

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