The battle continues as the party quickly depletes their selection of items. They still seem to be doing no damage and the virus is still spreading. Shugo sees a confused but unharmed Koniyama in the distance and is immediately suspicious as to why he remains unaffected by the virus even though he knows Rena’s member address.
Meanwhile, the group begins to lose hope as nothing seems to be working. Shugo decides there still is hope left. He believes that the reason Koniyama is unharmed is because he received Shugo’s Data Drain. Maybe that’s the key to virus immunity. When the rest of the party waivers on this risky tactic, he assures them that he will be the only one to receive the Data Drain. He will not lose his sister again and is willing to sacrifice himself. The rest of the party is quick to tell him that they are concerned about Rena as well and will participate in the Data Drain. Sure enough, after the Data Drain, Shugo, Mileiyu and Hitaru are cured of the virus. Balmung still lies close to death, but encourages them not to give up. All monsters can be defeated.
After several ineffective attacks, Aura asks if Shugo does decide to use the Data Drain, he is to wait until after the virus completely takes over Rena. He has a lag time of about 1/1000th of a second, but if he can Data Drain during that moment, he can drain just the virus. He does, and the virus lifts from Rena and the monster disappears.
Shugo then sets his sights on Moruti, but as he goes to Data Drain, the girl hacker tries to stop him. With Moruti gone, The World begins to collapse… her final trap. Soon all chaos gates turn red and begin decompiling and eliminating all evidence. Logging out is impossible and there is 5 minutes to system shutdown.
Kamui explains the girl is the 4th of the hackers. The girl admits to meeting the Wandering AI. Both were interested in death. She was searching in the real world, but couldn’t find the answers she sought. She decided to then experiment with The World. At first she thought she discovered that death is like being eliminated. Rena asks if she thought that, why did she create a world after death? Rena and Shugo then try to empathize: they know of the feelings of wanting to go some place, even after death. Death and separation are similar, but even if you are separated, you can meet each other anytime in The World. The hacker girl wants to believe that… she wants to understand why another sacrificed herself to save her… but soon The World will collapse. Perhaps they’ll really die, or just sleep forever. Maybe death is like sleeping forever. (Sorry, I have to comment: wow, isn’t she the selfish little depressed child… let’s just kill everyone to see if we can unravel the mysteries of death. Geez, if you want to find out that badly, why don’t you just kill yourself? Should I feel sympathetic? Because I don’t. I’m amazed the other characters were so compassionate…)
The party then questions why Aura revived the Kite and Black Rose characters. Together, maybe the two still have the power to stop this. Rena puts her hand on Shugo’s bracelet and together they fly into the Chaos Gate. Everything disappears.
After credits:
Mileiyu runs happily towards Hitaru waving the three sets of clothes she just received. All party members wait for their final two to arrive. Soon Shugo and Rena log in and the party is reunited. The hacker girl looks on, reminded that friends can meet in The World anytime regardless of distance… The Hero of Legend revives.
These episode summaries and character bios are licensed under to a Creative Commons License at Animetique.com.
You have to give credit to those who do this stuff.