After failing his mission to assassinate yet another politician, Toma must face up to his employer and give explanations as to what happened that night. He promises that he will never fail again, explaining that he has no real problem since Sasaki is a coward who cannot hold a sword and Sanosuke is nothing but a ruffian. When asked about Kenshin, Toma says that there is nothing to worry about, but you can detect some hesitation in his voice. The boss tells Toma that the final stage of his plan is about to unfold and that, once over, he will give Toma a key position in the government.
Back at Sasaki's school, Sanosuke and the teacher are having a discussion. Sasaki is worried that either Sano or Kenshin may get in trouble for helping him. Sanosuke reassures him, telling him that there is no reason to worry since Kenshin is on their side. Sasaki is not as sure as Sano and tells him that Toma's swordsmanship is superior to Kenshin's from what he had seen the previous night ).
While doing laundry, Kenshin notices a rather suspicious character watching him. He follows the man, realizing that it's Toma, and meets him in the middle of the woods. Toma attacks Kenshin, identifying him as Hittokiri Battousai, but stops when he sees that Kenshin isn't drawing his sword. Kenshin asks Toma about the Jinpu Tai and about their numerous assassinations. Toma says that he will change the world with his sword, but Kenshin knows too well that the world cannot be changed with manslaughter. Toma disagrees and prepares to attack Kenshin again, using his customized Shiden No Tachi, but is interrupted by his fellow Jinpu Tai members who tell him about the plans for the next assassination. Toma and the rest of the Jinpu Tai run off, leaving Kenshin standing in the middle of the forest, where Kauro, Yahiko, Sasaki and Sanosuke later find him.
Back home, Kenshin tells the group about what he had heard and that the Jinpu Tai have a new target. Sasaki blames himself for Toma's ruthlessness and explains that he was once a role model for young Toma, pledged to save Japan with nothing but his sword. He declares that he is the one who must stop Toma, but since he threw away his sword, Kenshin and the others agree to fight for him.
It appears that the Jinpu Tai's next target is non other than Yamagata Aritomo, as told in a meeting between Mr. Hashisume (the man behind the Jinpu Tai) to two of his comrades. When asked what he is going to do with the Jinpu Tai after the scandal is over, Hashisume replies that when there is no need for them anymore he will simply have them all killed.
A group of Jinpu Tai members storm into the Kammiya Dojo to get Kenshin, Sasaki and Sanosuke. Kenshin is nowhere to be found and Sasaki can't fight, but Sanosuke easily defeats all of the men. After a few threats from Sano, one of the men tells the group that the rest of the Jinpu Tai are on their way to assassinate Yamagata Aritomo.
Waiting to find Sir Yamagata on the carriage riding towards them, Toma and his men jump in front of the carriage and stop it. The carriage door opens and Kenshin pops out. Kenshin tells Toma that even though he is unhappy with the world and is trying to make it a better place, he is only a tool in the hands of politicians, trying their best to win dirty power struggles. Toma refuses to believe him and commands his men to kill Kenshin. After Kenshin defeats one of Toma's men, Sasaki and Sano arrive to help. All three men are now fighting against the Jinpu Tai and all three manage to defeat them with no extra trouble. Now challenged by Toma, Kenshin must do his best to win against the all powerful Shiden No Tachi. Toma storms forward with his sword at the Shiden No Tachi stance, only to have it blocked by Kenshin. To everyone's surprise, Toma takes his sword and attempts to deliver another Shiden No Tachi from up-close. Kenshin dodges it and hits him from behind, sending him flying and hitting a tree.
In complete disbelief Toma collapses. Sasaki explains to him that his special Shiden No Tachi, The Shiden Renga No Tachi, is actually completely useless. While the idea of delivering two powerful hits is all well and good, it is impossible to perform right- The fact that Toma knew he was going to have to hit Kenshin for the second time naturally made his first blow weaker, which ultimately led to his defeat.
Senator Hashisume's carriage arrives, surrounded by police officers who arrest all the Jinpu Tai members. The police chief knows that Hashisume is the mastermind behind the Jinpu Tai since the only people who were murdered were his adversaries. Hashisume denies any ties with the Jinpu Tai and says that what the police chief is saying is just foolish. Hearing these words, Toma finally realizes that he was indeed just a tool in the hands of dirty politicians. He picks up his sword and prepares to kill Hashisume. Kenshin stands in front of the senator and stops Toma from murdering him. Hashisume tells the police and Yamagata Aritomo (who has just arrived) that he will confess as long as they keep Toma away from him, in his words he says that Toma is 'a bloodthirsty murderer.' Not believing what he's hearing, Toma decides to commit suicide as a way of honoring himself with a warrior's death. Sasaki catches Toma's sword just when it was about to hit him, he says that death is too easy of a solution and that Toma has committed far too many sins which he should repent for. Overwhelmed with emotions, Toma begins to cry, as if silently agreeing with his former master.(This is not the correct spelling of Hashisume because it has a bad word inside of it)