A woman sits by a fire apparently reading a prophecy from the flames. When the two stars fall over the land, the king shall arise and reveal the path. Now, the circle that links the stars with the land and humanity welcomes new growth. As people of the Patch, it is their duty to watch over this. Ten followers listen to the woman speak and vow to do as the Great Spirit wishes.
Horo Horo screams for everyone to wake up at 5 AM. Yoh is exhausted and not ready for breakfast. Horo Horo tells him that people who waste food will go to hell.
Yoh still is his relaxed self, even though Lago passed overhead. He doesn’t see a point to getting worried over the Fight. Manta can’t understand how he can stay so calm. Amidamaru is with Manta on the training thing. Suddenly, one of the Patch followers flies up behind Yoh and asks if the Shaman Fight meant life or death, would he still choose to enter? If he would, they will meet again…
Yoh, Anna, and Horo Horo stare up at the stars wondering what the fight will be like. Amidamaru questions his own strength as a spirit. Can they still win? Yoh laughs and tells him not to worry. It is silly to question the unknown. A shooting star passes overhead, a calling.
Yoh meets the Patch follower from earlier. He introduces himself as Shilva, one of the ten officiating priests who have overseen the Shaman Fight since ancient times. He has come to test Yoh to see if he has the right to enter. All he needs to do is hit him with a clean strike. After Hyoui Gattai, Yoh sends his Buttagiri blast charging towards Shilva, but Shilva easily defends. Shilva then informs him that he has ten minutes to get a hit in. Yoh attacks with his sword, but again, Shilva blocks, reminding him that he can’t be touched with the Hyoui Gattai. His spirit is the turtle spirit, which has become Shilva Shield, a spirit that protects him. Shilva attacks Yoh with spirit of the buffalo, Shilva Horn and sends Yoh flying backwards. He then performs spirit of the coyote, Shilva Tail, to strike Yoh, and Spirit of the Snake, Shilva Rod to send a snake past him. Yoh tries Hyoui 120%, but that is blocked as well. Shilva then flies into the sky with eagle wings.
Confused, Yoh and Amidamaru converse as to how Shilva can use his spirits in a completely different manner than Yoh. He affirms that he does not use the Hyoui Gattai but materializes the spirits to shape them into form. With that he can fly with Shilva Wing. The materialization ability for spirits is called Furyoku derived from Fu - spiritual and ryoku -power/strength. The eagle then taunts Yoh. Shilva hasn’t come to test Yoh’s samurai spirit, but his Shaman ability. Only Furyoku can beat Furyoku. He tells Yoh to use his mind over his body. The two continue their fight. Yoh is frustrated that he can’t figure out how Shilva materializes animals. Then he notices that all his spirits come from parts of animals - feather, horn, shell, jaw, etc Maybe that’s the key to materializing spirits. Yoh decides to try and Amidamaru lends him his power. At first, it looks like Hyoui Gattai, but Yoh apparently figured out that to materialize a spirit, he must put the spirit in a symbolic item. The symbol for the samurai is his katana. He has acquired the Oversoul.
One minute left. Shilva now performs a spirit fusion to morph his spirits into a voltron like mech, which he calls Totem Pole canon. He can now use his full power. If his Furyoku can withstand this, he can beat his Furyoku with one hit. However, that blow can kill him. Yoh refuses to give up, but Yoh would rather take his chances. Shilva shoots with Totemic Soul Blast, but together, Yoh and Amidamaru catch the blast and send it back at Shilva. Yoh kneels down defeated. The blast didn’t touch Shilva. He falls to the ground exhausted from overusing his Furyoku. Shilva is pleased with the blast, though, and his headband breaks in two as he admits that it did hit him. For his efforts, Yoh is given the Oracle Bell to enter the Shaman Fight. Yoh is absolutely ecstatic, and starts screaming completely excited! The Oracle Bell will be how they communicate Shaman Fight information to him. It will also present the will of the Great Spirit, the all-knowing, most powerful spirit that only the Shaman King may inherit. It is the source of all the souls that have been watching since the beginning of the world - the king of spirits.
The woman speaks again of how one boy showed a Furyoku far greater than the ten priests. The boy didn’t even know the ‘Fu’ of Furyoku. However, the results of the Shaman Fight are always the will of the all-knowing, most powerful Great Spirit.
The Oracle Bell starts ringing and Yoh learns of his first opponent in the preliminary match - Horo Horo.
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You have to give credit to those who do this stuff.