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Shaman King Episode 28: Lyserg Revenger

The three guys Lyserg took out decide to team up to get back at Lyserg. Zen-Ryo also shows up, and they’ve brought a cage…

There is a flashback to a man, presumably Lyserg’s father, who introduces him to Morphin, the fairy that has been in the Diethel family for generations. His father explains that in the cage, Morphin is powerless. There is only one key that can open it. If Lyserg finds that key, he will prove himself to the family.

After the trip to the hospital, Lyserg tells the Shamans his story. His father, Liam Diethel, was a great detective and dowsing expert. Because he admired his father so greatly, he looked everywhere for the key. And so when he was six, he realized the key was at Big Ben. While he was away, Hao made a proposition to Liam to join him. Happily, Lyserg found the key and ran home to show his father, only to find Hao had destroyed his home and killed his parents. Lyserg trained hard, and after he learned Oversoul, he learned of Hao. He also knew he would be entering the Shaman Fight, so he stole an Oracle Bell from Brom, one of the ten priests.

Lyserg is convinced that there is some relation between Yoh and Hao. Ren is unhappy that someone else wants to join their party and walks away. Suddenly Millie runs up to Lyserg and informs him that three men are looking for him. He asks her to take him to them. They begin to fight and the three men capture Morphin. Lyserg lays helpless until Ren walks over to him. Lyserg can’t imagine someone coming to his aid and asks why. Ren replies that their leader told him that he would become one of their friends. He then goes into Spirit Ball Mode, knowing that Hyoui Gattai can’t beat an Oversoul. Horo Horo shows up as well and asks how he can leave the friend over there. He realizes that Morphin has been his friend all along. He rescues her and defeats the 70s baddie, Little Lake and Savage Pan and Green Garam are next.

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