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Shaman King Episode 55: Gate of Babylon

Ryu has become dysfunctional with grief over Lyserg. The shamans sit inside Silva’s restaurant, which is packed today. Silva explains that there has not been a single fight today. The Great Spirits have been quiet. Manta decides to check out some info he’s uploaded on his computer, but as soon as he turns it on, it electrocutes him and a flash of a man who looks like he’s trying to escape briefly appears.

Marco explains that Yoh will be sacrificed when the Gate of Babylon opens. It is the only thing that can stop Hao’s soul from undergoing the transmigration. Hao will come to the Gate of Babylon in search of Yoh, and at that moment, his evil will be banished forever. Lyserg still is having difficulties dealing with sacrificing someone who was his friend, but the rest of the X-Laws (Meene, Kevin, and Muster) do their part to try to cheer him up.

Manta goes to the forest looking for Ryu, who is still grieving for Lyserg. When he tries to cheer Ryu up, Ryu snaps back that he wants to be alone. That Manta cannot possibly know the sorrow he feels. That comment hurts Manta pretty bad, and he throws his backpack at Ryu frustrated. He explains that he’s not a Shaman, so all he can do is watch everyone’s pain and suffering. He’s tried to be their strength, but there’s nothing he can do. With that, he runs off by himself.

Ryu snaps out of it and goes after Manta to apologize. He originally thought Lyserg was just confused about his path, but it seems more complex than that. He then tells Manta that he is on the right path and that everyone believes it is important that he be here.

Before the two can head back to Yoh and the boys, Lyserg takes Manta as his hostage. He tells Ryu that he has no business with him and summons his angel to fight. calls Tokugerah but is quickly defeated. He then tells Ryu to give Yoh a message to meet them if they want to see Manta.

When Ryu tells Yoh about Manta, they decide to go rescue him, knowing full well that they are walking into a trap.

Silva and Gorudoba watch the X-Laws from beyond, waiting for a word from the Great Spirits.

The X-Laws grand plan is as follows: The magic formation that is the source of Jeanne-sama and the X-Laws furyoku will soon open the Gate of Babylon. At that moment, everything in its vicinity will be devoured by it and shall forever disappear into a world of naught. Because Yoh is an indispensable half of Hao’s own body, he must mean a lot to Hao. Therefore, Hao surely will come to save Yoh, at which time, he and Yoh will be destroyed.

Yoh arrives and demand they let Manta go. Marco demands he first become a loyal follower of Jeanne-sama. Yoh agrees, and Marco tells him to go to her and receive his baptism. Yoh drops his medium and walks over to Jeanne-sama as Manta flips out, concerned. Manta starts screaming and rocking his containment unit back and forth until Mosuke pops out of his backpack and breaks his container. As Manta falls, Ryu catches him, and the boys prepare to fight.

Marco is not happy about the progression of events and warns the X-Laws that there isn’t much time. Jeanne-sama soon emerges and takes the matter into her own hands. He calls forth Syamasu, who restricts the entire group in a furyoku barring cage. She then pulls them into the circle, but as she does, Hao is there to engulf her in fire.