- Batusai4Ever’s Activity
@nargg: Yes...I love to be able to touch what I buy with my money, not just rent a digital copy. Plus I can resell or trade it...and you can't
@Berserk8989: I spent more than 100 hours in DQXI and it was awesome. Funny thing is I still had more content to do but was so tired I just couldn't keep going.
Buy a PS5 to play really old PS4 games...that's really smart
And this is how Sony intends to justify the price increase to $70 for next gen flops? Only good game so far has been a PS3 remaster that we all knew was great but only appealing to players that like t...
@ives74: TBH, Ryse was a pretty good game. I really enjoyed the story, gameplay and beautiful graphics, really don't understand the hate for that game.
Scores on next gen games does not justify the price increase they want to impose on players.
And they want to charge more for next gen games that only get a 7 but in reality it's really a 4.
The funny thing is that while they hike the price to $70 their games keep getting worse and worse. Why charge more when you delivered a crappy game? I see people, me included, holding on to this gen f...
@CyberEarth: Wow, while you do have a point in your statement, it is also clear that you have no manners or respect for other peoples opinions. Why did you feel the need to insult @batman90 every time...
@mpmp0: I usually trade or sell my physical disks and end playing games for free most of the time. With digital you get no option, it's like a rental if you ask me. Digital should be a fraction of the...
@misterginger: Must everything be about racism and freaking sensitivity? All this color non-sense is just boring.
All these prices are higher that is you buy then in places like Ebay, etc.
None of this prices are real
$70 for crappy games is ridiculous...guess that's my cue to get a new hobby after 30 years of gaming.
For everyone that is trashing the game, if you bought it and think is trash...I'm accepting donations!!!:p
@Richardthe3rd: How about you gift me you PS4 Pro so it doesn't collect dust in your home? :)
Gameplay looks meh and not what I expecting for this game...thought the gameplay would be somewhat like a 3rd person shooter with a Destiny feel or DMC. This looks like For Honor.
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