I know this thread hasn't been responded to in a few months but I thought I'd add my experience. I've had the exact same problem with Onmund and I found that if you go through a door that leads to another area of the cave that needs to load he will reset and attack again. This will only work if it's a different area and the area has to load, if you go through a regular door and the game doesn't have to show the load screen it won't reset him. Has anyone else noticed that while he's standing like he's holding his weapon but isn't, that he will levitate rather than walk while following you? It's kind of creepy. I've also found that the glitch is caused by me selecting a bow with the quick button (left or right on ps3). Maybe it's because he doesn't have a bow, but if I do that he won't use magic, attack, or do much of anything even if I switch back to melee. To fix this I've resorted to using ranged magic (fire ball etc) but I'm sure this wrecks any sneak attack that I get with a bow. I'll probably just ditch him because being a 1 man army has made some battles very difficult and he's essentially just a pack mule anymore.
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