Top 10 Games' Story

Welcome, this is my top 10 list for my favorite stories in video games. I haven't played all the games out there, but I'm definitely up for some recommendations!

Rank Game Release Date GameSpot Score Bbkkristian's Score

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves



Analogue: A Hate Story

Analogue: A Hate Story is a Visual Novel that tells a science fiction tale of the investigator (you) and your helpful AI partners while you uncover the facts of the tragic tale of the Mugunghwa ship. This Visual Novel is a pain to read, especially if you're bad with names as I am, but all the pieces were brought together at the end to make this an unregrettable experience.


Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

A new light to the Star Wars Universe, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic tells a tale of the Darth Revan, Darth Malik, and you, as your amnesiac ventures through the galaxy. For Star Wars fans, this is a tale that is easy to follow.


Kid Icarus: Uprising

Who says you have to be 100% serious? Even with some quirky translation moments, it is obvious the writers and translators at Nintendo had a lot of fun. There's a lot of humor and fourth wall breaking in this title which leads to an enjoyable experience. Pit's tale not one easily forgotten


Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, the prequel to the critically acclaimed masterpiece Final Fantasy VII. With loving characters and an awesome protagonist, the story fell right into place with jaw-drapping moments in CGI cutscenes, epic boss fights, and a tragic end that brought man-tears to my eyes.


Illusion of Gaia



Final Fantasy IX

There was a tie for this position: either Final Fantasy IV or this. It was hard for me to choose, but i gave in when I remembered the epic moments that have happened in this game. More specifically, the massive eidolons that were given their own beautiful cutscenes to show their massive power.


Xenoblade Chronicles

This masterpiece of a game questions your drive. Out of left field, you're already thrown into a revenge-driven quest, exploring the world, meeting your odd companions. The story for this game is one of my favorites being that the there are traitors everywhere, and questions: who will you face next, who is really your ally, and who is really your enemy?


The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

This story of the Hero of Time is the best Zelda tale because it is the most epic and mature compared to its brother's and cousins. (even you Majora's Mask). You will feel like a true hero as you go along your quest. incomplete


Final Fantasy Tactics
