I really hate games that have a poorly designed movement/jumping system & decide to put in a jumping puzzle. That's not difficult, that's just frustrating.
@MajinSquall: You're probably right. "Episodic" has become a pretty specific term, relating to games like The Walking Dead or Life is Strange. They really shouldn't throw the term around like that.
@Sohereiam: Mad Max was an amazing port, I was able to run the game at downsampled 4K with max settings & still stay comfortably over 60fps on my rig. Shadow of Mordor ran well too, it's not like WB can't publish a game that runs well on PC. Arkham Knight is so seriously flawed that even after the debacle of taking games off shelves & throwing extra dev time at it, they still can't fix it. They've completely given up on SLI support even though utilising the extra processing power would give the game a better framerate if they weren't so short-sighted that they never even considered building support in from the outset. What they need are people with porting experience for every platform working with the team from the very beginning.
It sucks that so many companies don't take PC seriously even though PC sales have seen a lot of growth in the past few years. Modern consoles are basically homogeneous low-end PCs anyway, I just don't understand...
Wow, those are some really impressive graphics for the PS2! ...wait, this is 2008, right?
I like games with a good story but there is no way I could sit through those horrible textures & animations. The pop-in during the taxi driving was abysmal & combat had character models sliding across the ground to grapple an opponent. There are graphical styles that would work much better & look less dated than this, fans of the series may be invested enough to keep going but there's no way I could put up with graphics like that distracting me from the gameplay all the time. I'd rather go back & play Sleeping Dogs again.
@BoredGames: Some of the flashback scenes are pretty long. The part where young Cloud is with Sephiroth, going to find Jenova is interspersed with"gameplay" of just walking to the right spot so that the next part of the conversation can trigger.
Personally I prefer voice acting with text as well so that I can still skip through if I've read the text & can't be bothered with the voice acting.
@BoredGames: Do you remember the FMV cutscenes from the original? Cloud was always an emo boyband character. I'll leave my judgement on the combat system til I see it but I'm open to innovation.
The classic FFVII is always there if you want to play it, books are always there if you don't like movie adaptations & old albums are around if you don't like what your favourite band has just released. There's no sense in complaining about remakes because nobody is taking the original away from you.
I'd love to play FFVII again but modern games have spoiled me. Back in the 90's I didn't mind suffering through 30 minute sections of text boxes telling me the story. Back in the 90's I knew that hardware limitations were to blame for that lengthy wait telling me how I did in the last battle while the map loaded & I didn't mind because I knew they couldn't do any better. Today I just can't deal with clunky controls, load screens & clicking through text box exposition. I know people who have started the game since it's recent PC re-release & not finished because it's just too much effort to slug through.
I'm cautiously looking forward to the remaster; I won't start praising it until I see how it turns out but I'll defend the idea of a remake against the nostalgia army.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments