@saturatedbutter @bbq_R0ADK1LL Youtube has recently "clarified" its rules about sponsorship & Youtubers are changing their practices now that they are aware that it's not allowed. The fact that the practice continued for so long without Youtube doing anything about it probably led most Youtubers to think that it was completely within the rules.
Everyone has been quite openly making sponsored videos. It's hard to say the deal is "back room" when the whole idea is literally for as big an audience as possible to see the product of it. The issue you're talking about is a legal one, not a moral one.
How is this any different from music videos that have product placement of cell phones? Are you going to claim that morally Youtube deserves a cut from product placement in music videos on their service?
@saturatedbutter I think that's a fairly one-eyed view of the situation. I'm not saying every full-time Youtuber is a brilliant entertainer or that all of them are squeaky clean but guys like Angry Joe are pretty open & transparent about any paid sponsorship deals they take.
Free-to-air television & radio are both "free platforms" & plenty of people have made careers using those media. They also create shows that have their own sponsorship. There are certainly differences but if you don't think anyone has the right to make money off their original transformative content on the internet, then you're living in the wrong century.
Those who do make a living off Youtube are mostly pretty honest about how lucky they are to be doing a jov that they love but I wouldn't say that too many of them are "riding the money train". Sure, Pewdiepie makes millions but he isn't exactly representative of the majority.
Nintendo's Youtube program is ridiculous. It basically means that if you do a video that contains any footage of their game, you have to be a contracted employee. They decide whether you can put up the footage or not - if you have anything negative to say, you don't get to say it. Anyone claiming to do a review of Nintendo content on Youtube can no longer be genuine or credible since only positive coverage gets through.
The solution is simple: Youtubers boycott covering any of their games.
I have bought dozens of games thanks to content I've seen on Youtube. It's free marketing for the game! If the big N can't get with the 21st century then they don't deserve coverage.
@Sepewrath Yeah, but a guy with some credibility in his reviews. I don't watch his other content but his reviews are pretty in depth & 2 million subscribers is nothing to be sneezed at.
@Pawfalcon Any 17 year old bulling an 11 year old deserves to be taught a lesson. However, knowing the nature of the internet, he still doesn't deserve death threats & other kinds of grief that vengeful strangers would inflict if they knew more details about him.
I rented plenty of PS3 games that were 12 hours or less. Now I do my gaming on PC which pretty much means I have to buy games so I just wait for a sale to get value for my buck.
Ridiculous, Bethesda. No one was going to confuse that with the Fallout series anymore than anyone thought Scrolls was anything to do with The Elder Scrolls or The Banner Saga had anything to do with Candy Crush Saga.
If you create a game that requires players to grind before they can get to the parts that are fun, you shouldn't be surprised when people try to find a way around it.
I don't use cheatbots or even play MMOs but just sayin'.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments