HAL is a little more than a virtual assistant. 2001: A Space Odyssey actually correctly predicted a lot of things, they even got the moon surface pretty accurate. Some theorised that it would be covered in dust so fine that humans would sink right into it.
@Orontes13: I'm just poking fun at the very real misguided SJWs who complained about there being no black people in 15th Century Bohemia. Kingdom Come: Deliverance did very well on Steam for concurrent players so I don't think anybody's going to be taking these games away.
I put around 40 hours into Shogun 2. I enjoyed the map overview but the realtime battles aren't really my jam, I just found them frustrating & auto-resolve is a good way to lose units. CK2 has taken a lot more of my time but I'd dip back into the Total War series if it didn't rely so heavily on the battles.
@dragoonmike: A gun that fits into the hand of another transformer? Haha I used to get so annoyed by that!
Here's the real heart of the series that everyone overlooks though; the Decepticons were all tanks & fighter jets, designed for war & destruction. The Autobots were firetrucks, ambulances & civilian cars, peaceful by nature. The only reason the Autobots won every time was because of teamwork & other virtuous traits while the Decepticons were often foiled by infighting due to jealousy & betrayal.
Sure, that's a nice message for kids & maybe modern audiences don't want that kind of message preached to them but I think having the Autobots as equally powerful & capable of destruction kind of kills one of the main themes of the show. Yes, Megatron should be a giant cannon or something (I had a toy where he was a tank) but the Autobots should be less powerful, keep them as towtrucks & sportscars.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments