@mdinger: Yeah, I think I respec'd a little bit in Act II but there are other decisions you can't really change.
With the second character I rolled, I found that the game is much easier if you abandon all morals. If you do quests for people then murder them, you get more loot. If you pickpocket every vendor, you get more loot. If you talk to people like you're the good guy, & act like you're the bad guy, you get objectively better results.
Divinity: Original Sin 2 is a fun game but it really suffers from bipolar game design. On one hand, the game encourages you to roleplay, similar to tabletop. It gives you options to roleplay your character, make sub-optimal choices & live with the consequences of those actions. On the other hand, the game punishes you for doing it. This game is difficult & making sub-optimal decisions will often get you killed. The game both wants you to live with your choices & savescum before going into battle.
I've put over 60 hours into D:OS2 (including around 10 with a different character & more optimised build) but I'm really hesitant to go back to it. I hate not finishing games but this game kinda feels like a chore to me now.
When I think of a game like Nier: Automata, which ranked much lower on this list, it absolutely succeeded at everything it tried to do. Divinity succeeds in many areas but for me, it fails in it's core design philosophy. I believe the game deserves praise but it's problems also need to be discussed.
@mrdinghat: Unfortunately this does affect those of us outside the United States. The next Netflix or the next Facebook may never be able to succeed if the they can't pay the big ISPs to get a decent service to their customers. This is pretty terrible for everyone.
@mdign: Yeah, they call them Pledges but the site also uses the terms, "Store" & "Buy" so if it came down to any legal ruling, I suspect that most judges would consider them purchases as much as anything in any other Early Access game.
Parts of the game are playable & that was always the plan so I'm guessing Crytek's requirements related to alpha-state releases, not just the 1.0 launch. It doesn't look like they required a cut of sales so that's probably not relevant anyway.
@mdign: The Kickstarter ended years ago. Now they're a company selling digital items. If you can "buy" ships, which is what they advertise, then they're making money off the product they sell.
This is just a disagreement over a contract that ended prematurely. I don't think it's an easy, "this party is right, this party is wrong" sort of deal. They'll probably settle outside of court.
bbq_R0ADK1LL's comments