I have been working hard to get my level percentage high enough to get the "Top 1000 Point Scores in the Community" emblem, and I finally got to level 18. Last weekend I looked at some high 17/low 18 profiles, and it seemed like you get the emblem at about Level 17 98%. So today, I surpassed that, but still no emblem. I realize that everyday everyone's level percentages go up, so that is probably why. Once I get to the top 1000, I will stop caring about the percentage as I am sure the top 500 emblem is far off (about level 25 from what I could tell). On another note, this weekend I should get my "1000 Contributions" emblem, but I will make a seperate blog about that when it happens.
Consecutive Days of Going to Sleep After 1:00AM: 33