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The Trimonthly Blog

Yeah, I guess it's about time to do a blog again. I mean it's only been three months since my last one...

One year since...

It's been exactly a year since I posted my first blog. It was the afternoon of January 24th, 2007 when I just felt like writing one for the hell of it, even though I knew no one would read it. I'll tell you, the past year has been an amazing one on this site to say the least. And to be honest, I can't believe it's only been a year. It seems like a lifetime ago since I started doing things around here. I gained the Kim Possible editorship position about ten months ago, and I still keep a very close eye on everything around there. For the start of the second active year on here, I'm thinking about going to find another popular show guide to go after since Kim Possible has long since ended. Who knows what the future will bring...

6000 CPs

I set the six thousand CP's milestone for the Kim Possible guide this past week. Yes, the show has been over for four months, but I still find stuff to contribute to the guide. By the looks of it, I'm going to be the editor forever (or at least until I retire). But honestly, that is the farthest thing from my mind. I love that guide.

Snow... in Georgia?

What's been up with the weather around here? Here in northern Georgia we have endured three different winter weather events within the past few weeks. I like this area because of the lack snow in the winter. I mean I'm all for cold weather (I live for it in fact), but I can't stand snow or ice. It's just a nuisance. I don't understand how you people up north can bear it for several months every single winter.

It just isn't the same

What has this site turned to? I know I don't post blogs anymore, but I'm still here a good twenty times every single day. It seems like the previous that I was a part of last summer is all but gone. Just about everyone that I remember has long since left this place. The community has just fallen to a bunch of younger members that shouldn't even be here (if you look at the ToS).

Just to catch up...

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year...

Yeah, you get the point.

QUESTION TO ANSWER: About how long has it been since you posted your first blog?
