Well, today was the most screwed up day I have ever had on this site. Here is an account of my day here:
Early this morning I noticed that the CP's didn't change for the KP guide, and usually they have already gone by 7:00AM
When I got home this afternoon, I got onto the site and noticed that I couldn't get into my profile because it was a "bad request". The I went to the KP guide to see if the CPs ran, but they didn't. This however is a good thing for me because I can make the guide better without taking beeftony's editorship. Then, I finally got into my profile and my trusted contributor icon was gone, so I PMed beeftony, and he said that it was just a bug. Hearing this, I went to the technical support forum and saw that the entire site was having this problem.
I came back later to check up on things, but I couldn't get to any page except the home page, so I decided to wait until later.
This leads up to now. I noticed another "bad" thread by a user in the KP forums, and sent a PM to beeftony telling him of this. Right now, I have his reply in my inbox, but I cannot read it since my inbox and outbox are frozen.
I really hope the moderators pull an all-nighter to fix this before we have to have another day of this chaos. Any one else having these or any other problems today?
Consecutive Days of Going to Sleep After 1:00AM: 34