I tried to get into i just couldnt. Obilivon was alot better for me. I didnt like the inventory system like oblivion and i felt all i did was walk around. Please make a sequel to oblivion next and not another boring fallout
I guess your right about the generalization, there are kids on live that act appropriately its just the majority don't. I know some of the adults don't either. I wish there was a way for xbox to boot both kids and adults that think they need to drop the F bomb or Racial remark every other word.
I have been on xbox live for about 3 months and I love the interface and game experience. One thing I haven't loved is the children and pre teens who make Al Pacinos character Scarface seem like a choir boy. If I play a game like Gears of war the children we usually start out by calling evryone a homosexual or a racist term. Im caucasian, but this is a term that should never be used and is very offensive. Is there any way xbox can clean up xbox live becuase its ruining the service. Its funny that the adults know how to use the service and the undisciplined kids don't. I would think that since Gears of War is a mature game that they shouldnt be able to play it anyway. I wish xbox would step up to that plate a clean up this service. Could they design it where kids under 18 couldnt play on live, since their actually not allowed to play anway.(Since you have to be 18 to buy a mature game) Clean up Xbox 360!
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