Its pretty good compared to Demon's Souls, although after beating Dark Souls twice so far and Demon's Souls over 14 times between the asian and us versions I find Demon's Souls to be the better game. Its more difficult, more rewarding for how you set up your character, and less slow down in framerate.
does anyone have the dark souls official guide? is it worth it?
Guide for this game is not worth it, this is a game that must be discovered without any help, i avoid playing online also or even summoning the in game NPCs
Theres no rule about playing through it once without using the guide then having it for subsequent playthroughs. Not to mention the guide is hefty an looks real good paired with the CE.
[QUOTE="Shinobishyguy"]Dark souls is better overall, but Demons Souls had a waaaay better online systemSAGE_OF_FIRE
Wow then online must be very bad in Dark Souls because i think Demons Souls has the worse online i ever played in a game.
You can pump all your stats into vit and end and then just use a +5 lightning sword and do more damage than people putting all their points into str/dex.
Seriously?? I was just about to get into the pvp of dark souls but that sounds terrible.
I gotta go with Demon's Souls even though I'm loving Dark souls. To many frame rate issues, I'm not really liking the bonfire checkpoints or the limited healing or spell usuage.
[QUOTE="Ace6301"][QUOTE="Deathtransit"]I just lost all my Souls from killing a boss to the dragon in the Undead Berg. Do I have to shoot it or just figure out it's timing? I got to the safe zone but it nailed me with one breath after another.Deathtransit
If you're wearing heavy armor you should exchange that for something lighter or just run in your skivvies. As soon as you get down to the gate area just book it down the right side and run down the stair case there make sure you don't drop down before you kick the ladder down. Okay thanks. I am wearing medium armor, I'll take it off. My souls are still there, I'll have to kiss them goodbye I guess, I'll get torched if I try to collect them. I wonder how many arrows it'd take to kill it.
Also after you kick down the ladder and end up under the bridge use your bow to shoot the dragons tail until you shoot it off.
[QUOTE="VensInferno"] or when you enter the catacombs ran straight through until you reach a bonfire in a little room with a fire throwers. Kill that dude and lit the bonfire . To the left of you is a lever and you pull that. It makes the skeletons stay dead.
ahh that sounds better, I just started messing around in the cata's and making my weapon divine kinda killed its damage lol.
lol thats what i was thinking to :P Anyway question to any further in the game(I got it saturday) wondering if there will be a room like the nexus ? and wanna know where you got to enchant weapons. :P lol what a noob question ! I already defeated the gargoyles..... and currently using 2 daggers ninja style like demon souls with a spear :D
I just killed the ceaseless discharge demon not sure how far along you are but so far I haven't seen anything like the nexus.
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