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Qeundan2 vs EBA, not the most constructive title but yeah that's all I got.

After spending a quite some time writing up a new post about quendan and EBA I decided to spell check it a final time, just to fix those few uncertainties. Usually I´d copy save my work before attempting to change pages but I had tried spellchecking before and there was no problem with it. The website then informes me that I have to be logged in to post on my blog (which I apparently already was) and over an hours work is gone forever....or so it would seem.However I will never give up. The hour may be late, (3:30 am as of writing) and I may be tired. But I will recreate the post out of memory to the best of my ability, if it´s the lastdamn thing I do! Here it is:

I was gonna whineabout my loss of passion for console games as of late, but my passion for the DS and Quendan 2 was stronger so It´ll have to wait.

I recently Imported some more DS games, one of them was "Moero nekketsu! Rhythm Damashii! Ossu! Tatakae! Ouendan! 2" Besides having a really long, really cool name it's also a really good game (and I'm sure anyone who has played it will tell you the same thing) It's one of those rare games that gets more fun on the higher difficulty levels, as well as makes you actually wanna go through it on hard mode and beyond. (I only recently finished the final level on hard and unlocked the stressingly difficult "Insane mode")

Now for a japanese game it´s notvery difficult to follow. The menus are easy enough to learn (with a bit trial and error for some of the options) and the stories are told through a series of pictures similar to manga frames. They're expressive enough that you'll have a fairly good idea of what's going on most of the time, even without the ability to read anything of what they're saying. Interestingly, my inability to read any if the kanji(?) or whatnot in the game have made me percive the game as mute.Which caused a bit of a clash when I got"Elite Beat Agents" a few days ago.

First let me say that as a pretty big nerd for cheesy japanese music, as well as most regular j-pop/j-rock, the Americanized EBA and it´s soundtrack, while familiar, didn't score so high with me at first. The gameplay also felt sort of dull. This was obviously more a result of the countless hours spent playing qeundan2 on difficulty levels far exceeding the initially available breezin' and cruisin', than anything else.

Once I finished the cruisin' difficulty mode (which took about an hour or two) and started playing sweatin' it finally picked up the pace and started getting entertaining. I also started to enjoy the songs more with my favourites being "Y.M.C.A", "Inspiration", and "ABC". My favourite quendan songs are "Glamouros Sky" and the third bonus song you get (samurai something) with most other songs coming in a close third.

I think in the end I think I'll always prefer the quendan squad, with their stylized school uniforms before the Elite Beat agents and their commander Kahn.Still it's a good game none the less and I sure will be playing it for another while so I can unlock the last song. Having seen a few videos on youtube though made me wanna complete the collection with the first quendan, it had some pretty awesome songs. Right now the only thing stopping me is the inability to skip the intro/outro sequences and the fact that I'm saving up for a PS3.

That's about it.

Long put-off second rant.

After I started this I found it hard continuing, but enough about the introspective nonsense and on with the inane rambling...

Having enjoyed JumpUltimateStars and leaving it behind me some time ago, I went on to other games. First I imported "BleachDS 2nd: kokoui hirameku requiem" and it was great. I even got a second DS (a black one this time) so I could play against my friends.The graphics was so-so, with not as smooth animation as some other, better 2D fighters.But the music was nice and the japanese voices was great listening.The many featured characters also had different fighting gimmicks, which made it easier to have more than one favorite. Though Ururu should have been made a better character :(.

I then imported the US version Lunar knights, which was kinda easy but still great fun. Lucius voice acting,when used for longer sentences, completly sucked which was just to bad. The rest of the voices were ok though, and I liked the line "May the sun shine forever in our hearts" when said by the girl in the shop. The greatest thing about the game was probably the combat, and that once you finished it, you could start over with all your items and gained levels, more RPG-type games should have that function:). (another option would have been an increase in gained Exp, Like in Tales of Symphonia)

Something I should really get to doing is to continue playing Okami. Once I finished off the first boss I just stopped playing it, It happens sometimes. Mostly with console games it seems. Since I have to acctually sit down on the spot and play it, whereas I could play the DS or PSP potentially everywhere. The three games I´ve put off playing for a prelonged period of time are: Okami, Dragon Quest 8 and MetalGearAcid.

My PSP finally saw some use again when I bought the game "Tales of Eternia".Having played Both Phantasia and Symphonia before this I knew what to expect, and I have yet to become suprised over anything in the game. Still, it´s nice with a nice story, and nice battle system and stuff so I´ll try to get back on it once I finish some other stuff.

The "other stuff" is Final Fantasy 3 and Rockman ZX for the DS. Not wanting to wait for June 1st to come I tried to import Megaman ZX, only to end up ordering the japanese version since it was cheaper and had voice acting. Again, thanks to some online walkthroughs, I´ve had minimal problems with the game being japanese. Aside from the fact that I dont fully understand the story or what´s going on most of the time XD.

As for FF3 it´s the most fun I´ve ever had with a Final Fantasy game, and i´m looking forward to playing the fourth installment once it´s released. Speaking of sequels there´s also one coming for ZX. I´m very tempted to get the japanese version of this game as well, though it´s a pain that I won´t be able to understand anything this time either. I should probably just wait for the American version and import that instead. cause it´s no way i´m waiting another six or so months for it to reach Europe.

Lastly, I was planning to import Pokemon Daimond, but it turned out to be a hastle, so I´ll just wait for the EU version. Also there may have been some games I played that I didn´t mention, like Castlevania or such. Well they ruled very much and I´m glad to have played them, so there.

That is all.

Introduction and JUS

So I have decided to start a Blog, to more easily comment on the games that I´ve recently played. Just in case anyone would ever be interrested.

First off are some previous posts entrys in my "now playing" part.

Got my precious Wii and got a PSP, gonna play Megaman and Zelda for a while.

Update: Finished Megaman, got Lumines and Metal Gear Acid

Update: Still havent finished Zelda. Ill get on it eventually but right now Ive been watching a lot of Kamen Rider.

Update: Got a DS, man Ivé been spending to much money on consoles lately but no more (that is, until the PS3 gets here). Also I should really get to finishing Zelda.

Moving on to today,I got some new DS games and finished them .I also finally got around to finishing Zelda and it was....good I guess, more importantly I got the long-awaited Okami,now finally released in Europe.So far it´s been pretty fun and it will be interesting to see how it developes.

But my main topic is (or at least should be) Imported games. I recently imported my first game: "JumpUltimateStars" thanks to some helpfull FaQs and Walkthroughs found on gamespot even someone who doesn´t read or speak japanese (like me) can play it without to much trouble.

It´s a real shame that it´s never gonna get translated,for an english speaking audience. This is most likely due to extensive use of japanese text in the sprites, as well as the fact that most of the series that are present are unknown to the west.

 Like in Smash bros. you can knock your opponents off the stage to defeat them, only now you can deplete their energy to do so as well, which is nice.

Right now im thinking of importing some US version DS games as well,not only will I not have to wait for the eventual European release,but it will also be cheaper than buying them in a regular store(annoyingly). My only concern is if my US version pokemon game will be compatible with the European versions and the European "pokemon stadium" for the Wii.

That is all.