After spending a quite some time writing up a new post about quendan and EBA I decided to spell check it a final time, just to fix those few uncertainties. Usually I´d copy save my work before attempting to change pages but I had tried spellchecking before and there was no problem with it. The website then informes me that I have to be logged in to post on my blog (which I apparently already was) and over an hours work is gone forever....or so it would seem.However I will never give up. The hour may be late, (3:30 am as of writing) and I may be tired. But I will recreate the post out of memory to the best of my ability, if it´s the lastdamn thing I do! Here it is:
I was gonna whineabout my loss of passion for console games as of late, but my passion for the DS and Quendan 2 was stronger so It´ll have to wait.
I recently Imported some more DS games, one of them was "Moero nekketsu! Rhythm Damashii! Ossu! Tatakae! Ouendan! 2" Besides having a really long, really cool name it's also a really good game (and I'm sure anyone who has played it will tell you the same thing) It's one of those rare games that gets more fun on the higher difficulty levels, as well as makes you actually wanna go through it on hard mode and beyond. (I only recently finished the final level on hard and unlocked the stressingly difficult "Insane mode")
Now for a japanese game it´s notvery difficult to follow. The menus are easy enough to learn (with a bit trial and error for some of the options) and the stories are told through a series of pictures similar to manga frames. They're expressive enough that you'll have a fairly good idea of what's going on most of the time, even without the ability to read anything of what they're saying. Interestingly, my inability to read any if the kanji(?) or whatnot in the game have made me percive the game as mute.Which caused a bit of a clash when I got"Elite Beat Agents" a few days ago.
First let me say that as a pretty big nerd for cheesy japanese music, as well as most regular j-pop/j-rock, the Americanized EBA and it´s soundtrack, while familiar, didn't score so high with me at first. The gameplay also felt sort of dull. This was obviously more a result of the countless hours spent playing qeundan2 on difficulty levels far exceeding the initially available breezin' and cruisin', than anything else.
Once I finished the cruisin' difficulty mode (which took about an hour or two) and started playing sweatin' it finally picked up the pace and started getting entertaining. I also started to enjoy the songs more with my favourites being "Y.M.C.A", "Inspiration", and "ABC". My favourite quendan songs are "Glamouros Sky" and the third bonus song you get (samurai something) with most other songs coming in a close third.
I think in the end I think I'll always prefer the quendan squad, with their stylized school uniforms before the Elite Beat agents and their commander Kahn.Still it's a good game none the less and I sure will be playing it for another while so I can unlock the last song. Having seen a few videos on youtube though made me wanna complete the collection with the first quendan, it had some pretty awesome songs. Right now the only thing stopping me is the inability to skip the intro/outro sequences and the fact that I'm saving up for a PS3.
That's about it.
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