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Battlefield 3, Is it a FAILURE in any sense?

Being a long standing member of the Battlefiend fan club and an officer in the Battlefield Union, I have had to broach the subject in my mind and in my heart and in forums that BF3 is sup-par, a flop, a failure! It is hard to talk bad about something that you have put on a pedastel for so long like I have the Battlefield game series for several years now, but here isis my feelings on it....

I don't think necessarily that Battlefield 3 is a failure...

I do however think that it is a disappointment. I feel very betrayed on a personal and consumer level to be honest.

As to the consumer disappointment, I expected a game with PERSONALITY like Bad Company and got a MW clone/wannabe. I knew they were trying to capture some market with a bit more "modern" equipment implementation, but they went to far, when they removed the presonality. They already had what none of the others had, and they CONFORMED, which for a rebel like me was not a good thing. And their Frostbite 2 engine that was so hyped, should be renamed the "glitch-master 2.0". And HOW MUCH can you gripe about the server set go in with a party and you get split up, you sign to play "conquest" and you play one match of conquest and then get shuffled around to TDM, SDM, RUSH, etc. Who needs it, it is frustrating when you can't control your own destiny, and for me, it is unacceptable to the positive gaming experience...!

On the peronsal level; any one who knows me, knows that I am biased, opinionated, arrogant and used to leading and getting my way, well I talked the trash, I bragged and blustered and talked up my favorite FPS series, THEN......BF3 comes out and it honestly is NO longer the series that I love. Even the tactical squad element seems to have faded to a BIG degree to me, But I had to eat crow, even get on line and post that the MW3 campaign outshone the BF3 campaign.

No, BF3 is not a failure in the true sense of the word, it is a failure to it's roots and the games that made a following of a lot of us. It is a failure to those who love it. It is tantamount to your spouse cheating on you, which is just plain unacceptable, where you still love what was and always will, but something was lost when you were betrayed and you just don't feel like you can ever get it back, to a degree that you just don't even want to look at them or BF3 anymore as you see what is NOT more that what is.

Does my ramblings make any sense? This is the first time that I have tried to put my heartache a this loss to words.

We can only hope that "Bad Company, A New Battle in the North" is in the works, otherwise my Warrior friends, I fear the end of BF is on the horizon (my humble opinion)